Reference no: EM133764508
USE THE SOURCES TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW and put references in between when you are answering the questions.
REFERENCE 1: Conti, N., & Nolan III, J. J. (2005). Policing the platonic cave: Ethics and efficacy in police training. Policing and society, 15(2), 166-186.
Simon, S. J. (2023). Training for war: Academy socialization and warrior policing. Social Problems, 70, 1021-1043.
Volk, Steve. (2021). The enemy within: Race and white supremacy in American policing. Rolling Stone.
Harte, J., & Ulmer, A. (2022). U.S. police trainers with far-right ties are teaching hundreds of cops. Reuters Investigates.
QUESTION ONE: FULLY explain what Conti and Nolan mean when they contend that the police academy is a "greedy institution."
Discuss how the "greedy institution" of the academy isolates officers from the communities they are training to serve.
QUESTION TWO: FULLY explain what Simon means when she observes that the police academy teaches recruits to be a "warrior first."
How does this mentality interfere with the guardian mentality?
QUESTION THREE: What is the relationship between racial supremacist ideology and police occupational culture?
FULLY explain this relationship by drawing on the materials in focus this week.
HINT: How are these cultures SIMILAR in FORM and their relationship with the public overall--NOT asking to label police as racist, that isn't accurate/or the point.... BE SURE to watch the video lecture!!!
QUESTION FOUR: Given is known about disproportionate policing and police aggression against working class and poor neighborhoods, and ethnic minority communities and individuals, do these communities have an ETHICAL responsibility to comply with police?
What would the ethical perspectives we have been discussing this term say about this? Fully explain
HINT: Fully explain = Explaining and applying BOTH categorical imperatives AND/OR Clearly laying out and weighing ALL associated goods and harms for ALL parties
QUESTION FIVE: What can be done to reduce racialized policing and police use of force?
- Explain at least TWO THINGS that law enforcement organizations should do to reduce these problems
- Explain at least ONE THING that community members can do to address these problems.
IN YOUR ANSWER TO QUESTION FIVE, be sure to address the issues faced in Tacoma.