How does this learning translate to the workplace

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133581711

Question: Course learning in multimedia can prove to showcase a wealth of new skill. What, after 7 weekshave you engaged with the most? Where will you further the learning? It is helpful to reflect at thispoint on the key learning elements.Instructions: Using a letter format, identify three important components of the learning achieved so farin this course.How do I complete the work? Create a letter. In the letter use both a graphic and text to convey what you havelearned so far addressing all three components in the letter. Consider also, how doesthis learning translate to the workplace?Describe your process. In the letter, describe your process when learning the new skills. Was the concept eastto incorporate as a skill, was the process difficult- was this something that was newlearning, or did it enhance learning that you already had?

Reference no: EM133581711

Questions Cloud

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Do high schools prepare kids to be adults : "Do High Schools Prepare Kids to be Adults?" How prepared were you/will you be for "the real world" upon graduating from HS? What courses do you think should be
What is a respectful term commonly used by indigenous people : What is a respectful term commonly used by Indigenous people to refer to an elderly Indigenous person who is recognized for the knowledge they carry
How does this learning translate to the workplace : how doesthis learning translate to the workplace?Describe your process. In the letter, describe your process when learning the new skills.
Discuss the credibility of your sources and their usefulness : write a paragraph in which you discuss the credibility of your sources and their usefulness for your project. After the synthesis, include a reference list
Discuss how your own spirituality needs to change and grow : Discuss how your own spirituality needs to change and grow. State a passage or passages, a verse or verses that you would consider "personal themes"
How does klosterman differ from king in his analysis : How does Klosterman differ from King in his analysis of the need for horror in people's lives? In what ways are the two in agreement? Explain your responses
Prescribing controlled substances : Discuss CA requirements and scope of practice for APRN's when prescribing controlled substances.


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