How does this individual/group communicate to its members

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133330362

Discourse Community: Jewish United Fund in serving

1. Why this discourse community?

- Please be specific. I chose this community because I like video games  and I want to learn more about the culture and community surrounding video games. 

2. What is your discourse community's common public goal(s)? 

-The common public goal of the video game community is to enjoy playing video games and discussing them with others who share their passion. Members of this community often bond over their shared love of video games, and they use this shared interest to communicate and interact with each other. 

3. How does this individual/group communicate to its members? 

-Be specific about which phone number, which email address, etc. JCFS chicago contact info :-  phone # 855.275.5237, Email [email protected]

4. What does this communication look like?

- (, phone, meetings)   The video game community communicates to its members through various channels, including video games, forums, blogs, and social media platforms. This community often uses video games as a way to bond with each other and communicate their shared passion. They also use forums and blogs to discuss various topics related to video games, and social media platforms to stay up-to-date on industry news and new releases

5. What are some special words or vocabulary that this discourse community uses? 

-Some special words or vocabulary that the video game community uses include game mechanics, industry jargon, and inside jokes. This community often uses video game terminology to discuss various topics related to the industry, and they often use inside jokes to bond with each other.

Reference no: EM133330362

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