Reference no: EM133780882
Please Answer two questions, each, for Augustine and for Patrick:
Use quotes in your responses
For Augustine, Book VIII, Confessions:
1. Explore how Lonergan's stages of conversion relate to his experiences in Book VIII.
2. What human beings served as spiritual influences at this point in Augustine's spiritual life?
3. What holds Augustine back from full conversion to Catholic Christianity at this point?
4. How does the vision of "Continence" impact Augustine? How does it prepare him for what happens in the garden?
5. What happens in the garden? What is the immediate results?
6. How does Augustine's experience relate to the conversion stories in the Bible discussed in Week I?
For Patrick, Confession:
1. Describe Patrick's "voice" in this text, and compare/contrast it with that of Augustine in his Confessions.
2. What are the themes Patrick addresses in this text? Again, compare/contrast with Augustine.
3. Apply Lonergan's stages of conversion to Patrick's experience.
4. How does Patrick's experience relate to the conversion stories in the Bible discussed in Week I?