How does the u.s. rank in terms of its physical inactivity

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131172232

Physical Inactivity Rates

Describe the rates of physical inactivity in global, national, and local communities.

Global: The WHO has collected physical activity data from individuals 15 years and older across many different nations throughout the world.

Review the physical inactivity data on the WHO website including the Insufficient Physical Inactivity, 2008-"" interactive map and the Physical Inactivity-"" (by country) dataset.

Which countries have problems with physical inactivity?

How does the U.S. rank in terms of its physical inactivity?

National and State: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a sector of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, uses telephone surveys to collect physical activity data from adults 20 years and older across the U.S. by county.

Visit the CDC Physical Activity: Data and Statistics-"" website and the most recent Leisure Time Physical Inactivity-"" interactive map.

Click on the Methodology link, which is located under the map image to the left of the map's color key. In your post, explain the methodology behind the data.

How does the CDC determine whether an adult is physically inactive or not?

Local: Using the same CDC links above, review the interactive map for the state you live within, by selecting the state name from the drop-down menu which is located below the map's color key under the heading "County Level Estimates of Leisure-Time Physical Inactivity-State Maps" and clicking on GO. The 2009 Age-Adjusted Estimates of the Percentage of Adults Who Are Physically Inactive in your state should appear on the webpage. Each county within the state has been outlined and contains a designated color depending on the percentage of adults who are physically inactive.

Describe your interpretation of the state data that is presented on the map.

Which percentage range is most common in your state based on color?

Select your specific county on the map by clicking on it, and then report the age-adjusted percentage that appears.

Compare this local data to the rest of the state and to the nation

For example, in the state of California the rate of physical inactivity can be described as low since most counties have the lowest range of 0-21% and just a few counties register above this rate at 21.1-26% physically inactive. It is reported that 17.4% of the adults in San Diego County are physically inactive. These rates are better than most of the other states within the nation.

Reference no: EM131172232

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