How does the theory describe human nature

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Reference no: EM131675615

1) Theorist's position on the mind/body problem. Monism? Dualism?

2) Position on determinism. Is all behavior determined or is there free will? What type of determinism (e.g. biological, psychological, etc.)?

3) How does the theory describe human nature? What are our basic motivations, needs or instincts? What motives or drives are we born with?

4) What are the important processes that produce "normal" behavior? How do those processes work together to produce behavior?

5). How much awareness would the theorist expect people to have about the true causes of their behavior?

6). How would the theory define mental health?

7) What are the main causes of abnormal behavior according to the theory?

8) What are the major strengths/contributions of the theory?

9) What are the major weaknesses/ criticisms of the theory?

10) List any important terms associated with the theory?

Reference no: EM131675615

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