Reference no: EM133415774
The Adoption of Management Accounting Practices (Maps) in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) of Pakistan
1. Research aim/objective (What did the study want to achieve?)
2. Hypotheses/Propositions/Key Arguments (What were the specific problems the study wants to answer?)
3. Methodology (What were the strategies utilized by the study in gathering evidences to answer "Number 2" in terms of: a) scope (cross-sectional/longitudinal), b) data collection procedure, c) sampling technique, d) participant demography, e) instrument used, and, f) data analysis and software used.)
4. Summary of Findings (What were the results of the study? How did the result answer column F and/or achieved Number 3?)
5. Management Implications (How does the study contribute to management practices?)
6. Areas for Future Research (What were the study's suggested areas for future research that may or may not be its current limitations?)