How does the organization go about accomplishing change

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131475292

Discussion: Strategic Management and Organizational Change

1) Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that addresses types of health care organizational structure and how each type of structure impacts the process and effectiveness of change. Address the following:

a) Why it is necessary for a health care organization to develop a strategic management model that addresses both the concept of change necessary for the growth and sustainability of the organization, and the processes of changing, that is, how does the organization go about accomplishing change?

b) Differentiate between organizational change and transformational change.

c) Where might an organization obtain examples of leadership models that have proven successful in today's health care environment?

d) Identify and explain tools and advice that can be utilized to assess leadership effectiveness.

Reference no: EM131475292

Questions Cloud

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How does the organization go about accomplishing change : Differentiate between organizational change and transformational change. How does the organization go about accomplishing change?
What is meant by the concept of global health : In malaria, to what extent do people believe malaria can be prevented: antimalarial drugs?, insect repellents?, bed nets?, spraying their houses?
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The rocket surgery made easy book will serve : The Rocket Surgery Made Easy book will serve as a guide for this project. Additional guidance can be found at the following website.


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