How does the market system work in hong kong

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133198873 , Length: 2 Pages


Subject of the paper: Macroeconomics

Requirement: You need a research paper, written in APA format, 4 pages,double spacing (IN THE THIRD PERSON !!) which discussed these two question:

1. How does the Market System work in Hong Kong?

2. What causes Government failure? How can it be repaired?

The two topics that will discussed in this paper are the Market System and Government failure. The questions that will be answered and discussed within this paper to get a better understanding on the topics are "How does the Market System work in Hong Kong"? and ‘What causes Government Failure? How could it be repaired"

Format: The paper should be written in APAformat.. The essay should answer all the questions mentioned above. It should respect APA format- Times New Roman 12pt, double spaced.Up to date (no older than 5 years) references should be used together with in text citations

The purpose of this project is to assist your knowledge building and provides one of the assessment tools for this class. This research will focus in whole or in part on the following course outcomes;

1. Basic economic principles and theory

2. Explore and interpret how supply and demand affect the economy by means of market forces, elasticity, and government policies

3. Examine how public policy as well as private sector initiatives impact the economy

4. Analyze macroeconomic theory and apply basic principles to data

5. Explain why production and growth, the financial system, and unemployment are key factors in the economy

• The research paper will be selected from two subject options from the textbook. Each subject will be presented as a question that will be answered throughout the paper. Each chosen topic must be approved by the Instructor to avoid duplicates.

• The paper must be at least four typed pages of text, not including cover and reference page using the APA style.

• The paper is to be written in the third person.

• Provide at least five sources, four from the virtual library or books from the library. Your textbook can be used as a source.

• Include at least two scholarly peer reviewed journals as sources.

• Include graphs, or other displays in your paper to identify and apply to the subject, but you will still need at least four pages of text. Sources for chart, pictures, or displays must be properly cited.

• Economic concepts must be identified and explained.

• Based on your research formulate your opinion and discuss, compare and defend your analysis.

Remember to "Think Like An Economist".

Paper format

• Cover page

• Introduction (Abstract is not required)

• Body - Supporting data and sources (divided into sub-topics)

• Reflective Narrative (include prior to Conclusion)

o How Does This Relate To The Course?

o What did you learn as a result of completing this project?

• Conclusion - Include your opinion, observations and remarks.

o Conclusions should never introduce new data

• Reference Page

Writing in third person is writing from the third-person point of view, or outsider looking in, and uses pronouns like he, she, it, or they. It differs from the first person, which uses pronouns such as I and me, and from the second person, which uses pronouns such as you and yours.

Reference no: EM133198873

Questions Cloud

Determine the best personal investment strategies : Use technology and information resources to determine the best personal investment strategies.
What is the tragedy of the commons : What is the Tragedy of the Commons and what is the solution? De Anza College.
What ways does poverty lead to environmental degradation : In what ways does poverty lead to environmental degradation? In what way are the poor victims? Princess Nourah University.
How would this action affect consumer demand : If AutoEdge decided to increase its prices and return to the United States," she says, "how would this action affect consumer demand? Golden West College.
How does the market system work in hong kong : How does the Market System work in Hong Kong? What causes Government failure? How can it be repaired? DeVry University Chicago.
Discuss economic theory : Your memo will discuss both what economic theory and the evidence says about the question. University of California Irvine.
Examples of satisficing behavior : Discuss and Give several examples of "satisficing" behavior. These may be personal or observational. City Colleges of Chicago Harold Washington College.
Do you think america will continue to prosper : Other restrictions imposed by US Government, do you think America will continue to prosper and be the World leader? Northeastern University.
Review article the hunt library databases or the internet : Search for a current news or scholarly article from the Hunt Library databases or the Internet. Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.


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