How does the layout of the store promote certain products

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132445872 , Length: word count: 1500

Answer the questions:-

  1. How does the layout of the store promote certain products?
  2. When you find a product that captures your attention, look closely at it. What aspects of the product drew you in? Where did you look first, and how did you scan it?
  3. How is color used to attract your attention and persuade you to purchase a product?
  4. How is the shape/size of a product (e.g., affordances) used to get your attention? And make it easy (or hard) for you to pick up? Are they selling the product or the convenient packaging?
  5. Look at how the store is laid out (the Spatial Design) - what do you see upon entering? Are you encouraged to move quickly through some areas and linger in others?
  6. Where are various types of products located? Is everything just randomly placed in the store? Is there a noticeable pattern to product placement on the shelves?
  7. Especially note the very important END of each aisle!
  8. Are heavy items easy to lift from the shelves? Can everyone reach all the products?

Now, pick an item that you want to buy (you don't have to buy it, just pretend).

  1. How do you go about searching for this item?
  2. How is the store laid out to assist your search for this item?
  3. Once you find the rough location of the item, how do you choose EXACTLY which item to buy? This should include choosing both brand and the exact particular item you select.

And then wrap things up by getting back into course material:

  1. How does all of this relate to the visual search mechanisms we discussed in class including feature-integration theory? Discuss how both pre-attentive and attentive search were at play while walking around the store.

Reference no: EM132445872

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