How does the issue affect your facility-patients-providers

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Reference no: EM133765345

Homework: Health and Medical- Navigating Value-Based Purchasing in Healthcare


Examine the history and theories of the development of health care delivery in the U.S.

The United States federal government oversees multiple regulatory aspects of healthcare. For this homework, you will identify a specific topic from the website and analyze its impact. Then, you will summarize your knowledge for an internal audience, from the healthcare administrator perspective.

Part 1: Research

Navigate to the regulations gov website.

From the regulations gov home page, search for proposed rules or dockets in a topic area of your interest. This could include quality metrics, reimbursement changes, etc.

All key word results will be displayed. You may use the filter menu on the left sidebar to narrow the selection. Begin filtering results by "agency" such as CMS, HHS, AHRQ, etc. You may also filter by date range, and other options.

Review the results. Select one that interests you, and that you feel would be relevant to share in a presentation with your desired [fictional] internal audience.

Keep in mind, these dockets are open for public comments. Read the comments, and consider the perspectives presented. These comments may be biased or come from places of frustration, or a desire to enact or resist change.

Part 2: Create and Submit

Create your PowerPoint presentation

Your role: Hospital administrator

Your audience: Internal stakeholders (this could be a physician group, managers, financial leadership, or any other internal audience of your choosing.)

Length: 10 to 12 slides of content.

Presentation Content

While you may include additional relevant points that you believe are important about your selection, make sure that you address the following questions in your presentation:

A. How does this issue affect your facility/patients/providers?

B. What changes will your organization need to implement to adapt and move forward, if this ruling is enacted?

C. Who should be informed and involved with the change management process? (What departments, managers, groups)

Make sure that you speak with both authority and enthusiasm in your narration. Your slides should be visually pleasing and contain assorted visuals, appropriate use of color and varied fonts, imagery, and perhaps data or charts to support your narration. It should be both a professional and satisfying visual and audio experience.

Reference no: EM133765345

Questions Cloud

Discuss historical cultural economic and political factors : Pick two racialized groups. Discuss the historical, cultural, economic, and/or political factors that influence their racialization.
Present your annotated bibliography : Present your annotated bibliography as well as at least two criteria that you used to evaluate each of your sources.
Rapid increase in heart rate and core body temperature : An otherwise healthy surgical client has developed sharply increased muscle tone and rapid increase in heart rate and core body temperature.
How a social worker well-trained in ntu would respond to you : You may put yourself in the client's position and imagine how a social worker well-trained in NTU would respond to you.
How does the issue affect your facility-patients-providers : How does this issue affect your facility/patients/providers? What change will organization need to implement to adapt and move forward if the ruling is enacted?
Adult client was successfully treated for shingles : An older adult client was successfully treated for shingles but continues to experience pain to his trunk and torso.
What does technology and the art of caring mean to you : Technology and the art of caring are the focus of the content. What does technology and the art of caring mean to you?
Evidence of systemic effects or anaphylaxis : A child has been stung by a wasp and is in distress due to pain. The nurse's initial assessment reveals no evidence of systemic effects or anaphylaxis,
Accompanied by increased muscle rigidity : A client is undergoing an appendectomy under general anesthetic when the client's temperature rises to 105°F (40.6°C), accompanied by increased muscle rigidity.


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