How does the goal address the clients target problem

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Reference no: EM133318025

Case Study: Background InformationYou are a mental health worker at a low-securitywomen's prison. Most of your clients request ser-vices for themselves and there is no mandate forthe inmates to utilize services. In order to requestservices, clients must fold and seal a con dentialrequest form, which is given to a prison of?cial andthen delivered to the mental health department.Today, as you schedule the appointments, you seea request from Sandy Martinez for another inmate,Regina Pharis. You decide to schedule an appoint-ment with Sandy to check in on the situation. Be-fore doing so, you check her ?le and see that shehas excellent behavior reports and is to be releasedin one month.Interview with SandyYou have Sandy escorted into your of?ce, which isstandard procedure at the prison. Her hair is well-kept and she seems to have good hygiene. Smiling,you shake her hand, and invite her to come andsit down. She smiles in response and seats herselfcalmly. After quickly reminding her of con?dential-ity limitations, you ask her what convinced her torecommend her cellmate for services."You know, I've had a few cellmates, and theywere all a little weird. But there is something aboutRegina. At ?rst she seemed normal. I knew she wasangry, and she kept making vague comments, but Iassumed it was just the usual anger you hear-youknow, it's CPS or an ex or whoever. I hear thatall the time. But now that I've lived with her for afew weeks, I'm noticing that things are not addingup. You know some women around here are justcompulsive liars or they want to mess with you,but I don't get that from Regina. There's some-thing off."You nod, listening intently. "It sounds like youare a very observant person, Sandy. This is reallyhelpful information for me so I can get Regina whatshe needs. What wasn't adding up?""At ?rst she was telling me that the FBI put cam-eras in her house. I thought, OK, this girl is mixedup in some drug deals, maybe she confused theFBI with the DEA. So I'm going "okay okay," youknow listening but not really. Then she starts talk-ing about cameras in our cell. What? I know whata camera looks like, you know? There aren't anycameras in our cell. I'm like, what are you talkingabout Regina? She said that maybe you can't seethem, but she knows they're there. Then-""So it sounds like she has the feeling she is beingwatched," you summarize."Even more than that, she thinks that they aregoing to hurt her. She seems genuinely afraid thatthe watching is leading up to some kind of attack.""Do you feel unsafe around her?""Not right now, but who knows. She's prettyconvinced I'm not with the FBI since I'm in the cellwith her, but I have to admit I'm a little worriedshe will become convinced that they put me in as aspy or something. Especially after what apparentlyhappened to whoever she thought was the under-cover FBI agent following her!""That does sound concerning. I can't make anypromises, but I will talk to one of the supervisorsabout getting you a temporary room change untilwe ?gure out what is going on. Until then, I hopeyou will stay observant and request another ap-pointment with me if you feel that she shows anysigns of thinking that you may be a threat to her.""Thank you. I'm pretty worried about her.""Did she have any idea you were coming to talkto me today?""I tried to get her to go see you, but she was reallyon the fence because she wasn't sure about strang-ers. She seemed OK with the idea of me coming totalk to you, but I think she was a little afraid.""OK, thank you for letting me know."You say good-bye to Sandy and write up yourrecommendation for a temporary cell transfer.Then you send for Regina.Interview with ReginaRegina walks into your of?ce looking alert and onedge. When you go to shake her hand and smile, she engages with a slight smile, but is still very uncom-fortable. She insists on sitting in the chair by thedoor. You take your time explaining con?dentialityto her, and then try to engage her in conversation."I wanted to talk to you about how things aregoing for you here. Sandy was telling me that youhad some concerns.""It's ?ne," she says in a guarded tone."You seem to not feel very comfortable rightnow. I know Sandy mentioned you had some hes-itation about seeing me. I think that's very rea-sonable. Do you have any questions you'd like toask me?""I guess. What exactly do you do?""I am a social worker. I'm here to help peoplewho are having a dif?cult time here. Even thoughI work in the prison, I'm not an employee of thegovernment. I'm actually paid by a nonpro?t thatwants to support women so they can have a suc-cessful life after they leave prison.""That's good, because I can't trust the guardshere.""I hear that from a lot of women here. Has some-thing speci?c happened that makes you say that?"Regina lets out a deep sigh, "Well, yeah, a lot ofthings to tell you the truth.""That sounds really frustrating. Can you tell memore about it?"Regina hesitates but continues. "The guardshave cameras everywhere. They are plotting to killme. They've been planning this for years. They putme in prison because they knew I was catching onto it.""How frightening!" you respond. Regina nodsvigorously."Who are the 'they' that are plotting this againstyou?" you ask with genuine concern."The FBI. They have been following me foryears. I moved three times and they kept ?ndingme again. Then I protected myself in self-defenseand they threw me in here. It's been getting worsetoo. You know, I work in the kitchen, and I re-alized that the other women are sending secretmessages to the guards through little wires in thewalls. They think I can't tell, but I can. The onlyperson I have been able to trust is my roommate,but they are moving her out, I'm sure because theycouldn't ?ip her. Poor thing. I hope they haven'ttortured her.""It sounds like this has been going on for along time. Have you ever told anyone else aboutthis?""Ha! I tried to tell my lawyer but I couldnever get him to call me back. I think they hadin?ltrated his of?ce anyway. I couldn't leave myhouse because they were everywhere, so I lost myjob. Did some work from home, but that doesn'tpay too well. Lost touch with my family a whileback.""Help me understand what happened. Why areyou here?" you ask."Told you, the FBI. They know I'm hot. I'm sentby God and they locked me up to keep me fromspilling the beans.""What beans?" you ask."You know I'm sent to let everyone know theworld is coming to an end and you better smokepot now or forever hold your peace." Regina sayswith a dry expression on her face.You notice that she hasn't shown any emotionsince she came into your of?ce."How are you feeling right now, Regina?" you ask."I need some pills," Regina replies. "Gets methrough the rough times.""Were you taking medication on the outside?"you ask."Sometimes," Regina looks down and squeezesher ?ngers."Did a doctor prescribe medication for you?"you ask."Yup, for the Voices you know," Regina re-sponds."Are you hearing the voices now?" you ask."Oh my god, they're everywhere. They comethrough the wires especially in the kitchen. I can'tmake them stop.""What are the voices saying to you, Regina?"you query."Stop, stop them before they get you in the back.Be a good servant. Get on God's side or the Devilwill prevail. Stop before you pop. Go slow Joe.How do you know? They know and can get you inthe back." Regina sighs heavily."Sounds pretty threatening. Is that how it feels?"you say quietly."How would you feel with lightening in yourback? Regina asks? "Regina, how would you like to see a doctorwhile you're here and get some medicine so thevoices will be quiet?" you ask."Maybe so," Regina states absently."OK, I'm going to make an appointment for youto see the doctor when he's here the next time. I'mglad you came to talk to me and I'm hoping we canmake you feel more comfortable."Regina sighs and gets up and opens the doorwhere a guard is standing. "Watch out for thewires. They can hear everything you say," she saysas she turns and walks out.

Using the information above, can you create a treatment plan for the client using the treatment plan template below

include intext citations of at least 2 peer reviewed research work please

Treatment Plan Form

Target Problem:

Briefly describe the reason for the referral. Write your response below.


Briefly describe the desired outcomes that address the target problem. Write your response below.


Write two brief behavioral statements that address the goal. Write your response below.


Briefly describe the techniques and interventions used to address the objectives. Write your response below.

Question: Write a detailed summary explaining your treatment plan. Consider the following prompts:

  • How does the goal address the client's target problem?
  • How do the client's objectives embody the SMART goal model (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, timely)?
  • How does the treatment plan reflect a theoretical counseling perspective?

Reference no: EM133318025

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