Reference no: EM131175827
Create a detailed introduction that contains a thesis that offers a debatable claim based on one of the prompts on the list.
Apply critical thought by analyzing the primary source you selected from the approved List of Literary Works-"". Avoid summary and personal reflection.
Develop body paragraphs that contain clear topic sentences and examples that support the argument.
Write a conclusion that reaffirms the thesis statement and includes a summary of the key ideas in essay.
Apply your knowledge of literary elements and other concepts in your response to the prompt. Reference the list of literary elements found in
Week Two of the course and discussion forums.
Incorporate research from the primary and secondary sources.
Used Prompt #3:Most often, literary works have both internal conflict (individual v. self) and external conflict (individual v. individual, society, nature, or technology). Additionally, one can often find that a character's internal conflict is linked to an external one. Choose a text in which both an internal and external conflict are evident to you. How does the external conflict illuminate the internal one? What meaningful parallels or incongruencies do you observe when comparing the two, and what is the significance within the context of the story?
Story: "No Name Woman" (Kingston, 1975)
Thesis: Kingston uses the stories she heard from her mother to show the role of women in society and the strength needed to stand up for one's self in a male dominant society.
List of literary elements-