How does the change model theory kotter

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Reference no: EM133296449

Case: Jade is the nurse manager for 4 South, a busy 32-bed surgical unit. The unit has been asked to participate in a pilot study in which the nursing documentation module for the clinical information system is used. Two other nursing units are involved: the pediatric unit and the adult intensive care unit (ICU). As part of this pilot study, one unit will evaluate bedside computers, one unit will test handheld devices, and the remaining unit will use portable computers (laptops) mounted on stands that can be wheeled anywhere on the unit.

The project leader is a clinical application specialist from the information technology (IT) department. Meetings have been occurring weekly and include the project leader, an IT analyst, the three nurse managers, a representative from the information system vendor, a medical records representative, and the nurse responsible for quality improvement initiatives for nursing administration. The agreed-upon duration of this project is 6 months: 5 months for preparatory work and 1 month live on the system.

It is clear to Jade that the needs of the other units involved in the pilot study are very different from those of her unit. All clinicians collect a common core of data, but other data differ because of illness intensity, context, and other factors. Whether one hardware solution will work for all three units is not clear to Jade. She wishes to represent the ideal solution for staff nurses on her unit.

Question: How does the change model theory Kotter and Cohen's assist Jane in implementation?

Reference no: EM133296449

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