How does the belief affect our common understanding

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Reference no: EM133400573

Question 1) Socrates does not try to prove the existence of the soul. He assumes it. Respond thoughtfully to Socrates's proposal as to the paramount importance of the 'care of the soul' and as to what that means for him. (He said this is more important than money, honor, and pleasure. ) After that response (what it means for Socrates), substitute your own more personal list of top 'virtues' for his top virtues (which applied to ancient Athens) and talk about how we fare today in the US in these virtues. Do you agree with Socrates that cultivating virtues or moral excellence is more important than money, honor, and pleasure? Why or why not? Do you agree or disagree partially or wholly? How would you talk back if Socrates himself was speaking to you or to us in the US and not his fellow Athenians?

Question 2) Respond thoughtfully to the idea that objective 'truth' is possible and desirable, which is why Socrates pursues it tirelessly. He wanted true definitions of the virtues as against the Sophists who only cared about making any possible opinion win. Do you agree that truth (especially in the realm of moral right and wrong) cannot just be a matter of opinion (whether cultural, individual, traditional, conventional or just popular/media-influenced)? Thinking of a concrete situation that involves moral right and wrong would help. And so, do this: Apply it to what happened on January 6, 2021, at the US Capitol Building in the nation's capital. Were there clear facts/objective truths then or none at all? Were there objective rights and wrongs then?

Question 3) Socrates believed in something he does not attempt to prove but is so important that he enabled him to face his unjust and untimely death calmly. This is the belief in a religious-moral cosmos. You are not allowed to dismiss it just because he has no proof for it. Here's what I am inviting you to think about: Does this unproved belief make sense? Why or why not? How does the belief affect our common understanding that there is/can still be a clear difference, for example, between 'right' and 'wrong' or 'just' and unjust' or 'love' and 'hate'?

Reference no: EM133400573

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