How does the bac wristband detect alcohol in the body

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133396086


  1. How does the BAC Wristband detect alcohol in the body? (tests assumption #1 - the wristband has BAC sensors)
  2. Can the BAC Wristband be worn all day and night? (tests assumption #2 - the wristband is designed to be comfortable)
  3. How does the information get sent from the wristband to the phone? (tests assumption #1 - the wristband sends information through Bluetooth)
  4. Is the BAC Wristband discreet? (tests assumption #2 - the wristband is designed to be discreet)
  5. How often does the sensor need to be replaced? (tests assumption #3 - the sensor needs to be bought every three months)
  6. How does the BAC Wristband track and monitor alcohol consumption? (tests assumption #1 - the wristband sends information to the BAC App)
  7. Can the BAC App be accessed frequently to view progress? (tests assumption #2 - the BAC App can be accessed as frequently as desired)
  8. How does the BAC App show the sensor readings? (tests assumption #1 - the BAC App shows readings like Clear or Signal Detected)
  9. Is the BAC Wristband only compatible with Wi-Fi? (tests assumption #2 - the wristband just works with Wi-Fi)
  10. How often does the BAC Wristband need to be charged? (tests assumption #3 - the wristband needs to be charged)

Reference no: EM133396086

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