How does the author reveal characters

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Reference no: EM131959967

Assignment 1 -

Writing-about-short-stories-and-poetry -write 400 words analyzing characterization and point of view in "A&P," "How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie," and "Lust".

ASSIGNMENT Part 1: Character and Point of View For Part 1 of the exam, you'll analyze the characterization and point of view used in three short stories: "A&P" by John Updike, "How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie" by Junot Diaz, and "Lust" by Susan Minot.

Step 1. In your textbook, review "Reading Fiction" (page 13-46), "Writing about Fiction" (pages 47-66), and "Reading and the Writing Process" (1465-1498).

Step 2. Review the chapters "Character" (pages 112-117) and "Point of View" (pages 195-200) in your Introduction to Literature textbook. Also reread the summary and analysis of these chapters and short stories in this study guide.

Step 3. Reread "A&P" (pages 200-205), "How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl or alfie," (pages 119-122), and "Lust" (pages 240-280). Take detailed notes as you reread. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who tells the story?
  • Is the narrator reliable and objective?
  • Are the characters flat characters or round characters?
  • How does the author reveal characters? Answering these questions will help you as you draft your own analysis of the characters and perspectives in these stories.

Assignment For Part 1, write 400-500 words analyzing characterization and point of view in "A&P," "How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie," and "Lust." The main characters in each of these stories are young people motivated by their sexuality. Compare and contrast the author's techniques in developing each character. How does the perspective of each story enhance our understanding of each character's personality? Be sure to refer to specific points in each story to support your analysis. You must use at least two quotes in your response. Note: Do not turn in Part 1 at this time. You must submit all three parts together.

Assignment 2 -

Creative Critical Response and Reflection- Write a one-page response to any short story or poem you've read so far in the course. Choose a piece you've either enjoyed, found particularly interesting, or have strong feelings about. This won't be a straight analysis of the chosen work, but rather a creative interpretation of the story or poem's plot, characters, language, and themes. After you've written your piece, you'll write a five-paragraph reflection (600 words) that defends your creative response. This reflection will explain your creative choices and the ideas you chose to highlight in your creative response

ASSIGNMENT For this exam, you'll write a one-page response to any short story or poem you've read so far in the course. Choose a piece you've either enjoyed, found particularly interesting, or have strong feelings about. This won't be a straight analysis of the chosen work, but rather a creative interpretation of the story or poem's plot, characters, language, and themes.

After you've written your piece, you'll write a five-paragraph reflection (500-750 words) that defends your creative response. This reflection will explain your creative choices and the ideas you chose to highlight in your creative response. This project will allow you to engage with the source material in a reflective and critical way. You can use the "Questions for Responsive Reading and Writing" found on pages 48-50 and 581-582 of your Introduction to Literature textbook to assist you as you create your commentary on your chosen piece. You'll choose how you would like to respond to your chosen work. For example, you can n Write a piece from the point of view of a different character or speaker n Create a prequel or sequel that focuses on events that happened before or after the original work n Rewrite a scene from the original work n Write a letter to a certain character or speaker You're not limited to these examples, and we encourage you to think outside the box when deciding how to respond to your piece. You'll submit both your creative piece and reflection for grading. Be sure to cite the original text using correct MLA format. Include the author and title to the piece you're responding to in your exam. For this exam, you'll use standard 12-point font and left justification. Use one-inch margins at the top and bottom and one-inch margins for the left and right sides of the document. Poetry submissions should be single-spaced within each stanza and double-spaced between stanzas. Prose submissions should be double-spaced. The reflection will also be double-spaced. Your submission should be at least one page.

PROCESS Planning Creative Response

1. Review the assigned reading in your Introduction to Literature textbook. Choose a text you connected with and brainstorm a list of all the elements of the piece that you found important, enjoyed, and/or made you think. Pay close attention to the text's setting, characters, dialogue, style, figurative language, and theme.

2. Use the "Questions for Responsive Reading and Writing" on pages 48-50 and 581-582 to develop your ideas about the elements of your chosen text. How does the author reveal his or her characters? What is the purpose of the minor characters? If the story were told from a different point of view, how would it change? How does the author 126 Graded Project Graded Project 127 explore theme? What is the tone of the piece? Who is the speaker? Is the speaker addressing anyone in particular? How does figurative language contribute to our understanding of the text?

3. List evidence from the original text that supports your interpretation presented in your creative response. Drafting Creative Response 4. Use your brainstorming lists and answers to the Responsive Reading and Writing questions to help you write your response to the original text using your own unique approach. Your piece should illustrate your understanding of the original text, touch on the major themes of the original text, and reveal an alternate perspective on the original text. Revising Creative Response

5. Revisit the brainstorming list and evidence you gathered during your planning. Have you addressed your goals in your response? Do you evaluate all of the elements of the piece you set out to evaluate?

6. Revise your piece so that your grammar, syntax, and punctuation accurately demonstrate your intentions. Please ensure your writing is clear and comprehensible.

7. Revise format. Use standard 12-point font and left justification. Use 1-inch margins at the top and bottom and 1.25-inch margins for the left and right sides of the document. Poetry submissions should be single-spaced within each stanza and double-spaced between stanzas. Prose submissions should be double-spaced. Planning Reflection

8. Revisit the planning you've done for your creative response. List how your approach strays from the original and your overall goals for the creative piece. You'll use this information to narrate your ideas in your essay. Drafting Reflection

9. Read how to develop a thesis on pages 1470-1472 of your Introduction to Literature textbook. Draft a thesis statement for your reflection. Your thesis statement should state your overall intention behind your creative critical response and reflection.

10. Read "Organizing a Paper" on pages 1476-1477 of your Introduction to Literature textbook. Develop a brief and informal outline to organize your ideas to support your thesis. Use the outline to help you establish an order and focus for your reflection.

11. Read "Writing a Draft" and "Writing the Introduction and Conclusion" on pages 1477-1478 of your Introduction to Literature textbook.

12. Draft your introduction. An introduction should present your topic and include your thesis statement.

13. Draft your body paragraphs. Your first body paragraph will present a summary of your critical perspective on the original text. Your second body paragraph will illustrate your point of view on the original using several examples from the text. Your third body paragraph will explain your goal for the critical response and highlight the specific elements from the original text used to highlight that goal.

14. Draft your conclusion. The conclusion should explain what you learned about the original through your response.

15. Make sure you are citing the original text using correct MLA format. Review "The List of Works Cited" on pages 1506-1512 in your Introduction to Literature textbook. Revising Reflection

16. Read "Revising and Editing" on pages 1481-1482 of your Introduction to Literature textbook, paying close attention to the revision checklist. Use the checklist to help you revise your reflection. Is your thesis clear? Is the paper logically organized? Do you use topic sentences? Are your paragraphs developed, unified, and coherent? Have you used evidence from the original text? 128 Graded Project Graded Project 129

17. Ensure your essay employs correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and MLA format with a complete Works Cited page. An example citation looks like this: Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll House. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. 10th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2015. 1250-1298. Print.

18. Use standard 12-point font and left justification. Use oneinch margins at the top and bottom and one-inch margins for the left and right sides of the document. The reflection should be double-spaced.

Assignment 3 -

Critical-thinking-about-literature-assignment-Write a 1300 word comparison and contrast essay- Compare/Contrast "Eveline" by James Joyce (pages 407-410) and "The Horse Dealer's Daughter" by D.H. Lawrence (page 506-517).

Critical Thinking About Literature Assignment For your final essay, you'll write a 1,200-1,500 word comparison and contrast essay. You'll choose one of the following options from fiction, poetry, or drama. Using all of the information you've learned in the course, compare and contrast the literary techniques used in two short stories, two poems, or two plays. You can explore each text's point of view, characterization, theme, and language. Organize your paper around a central idea and discuss the similarities and differences to reveal something about both texts. Your essay should have a thesis statement that states the focus of your analysis. Each paragraph should identify a single point that supports your thesis statement and develops your analysis of the texts. You should not only identify the similarities and differences between the two texts, but think deeply about each to make connections to generate an analysis. Review "The Reading and Writing Process" in your Introduction to Literature textbook, starting on page 1465. Pay close attention to the "Comparison and Contrast" section on page 1493. Also refer to the "Questions for Responsive Reading and Writing" found on pages 48-50, 581-582, and 1081-1082 to help you think about each text. If you do research or incorporate information that's not considered common knowledge into your prewriting, you must cite it according to MLA format. Decide whether you would like to write about fiction, poetry, or drama and then choose one of the options listed for your paper.

Fiction: Compare/Contrast "Eveline" by James Joyce (pages 407-410) and "The Horse Dealer's Daughter" by D.H. Lawrence (page 506-517)

1. After you've chosen which questions you would like to answer, review the texts in your Introduction to Literature textbook. Use the "Questions for Responsive Reading and Writing" on page 48-50, 581-582, and 1081-1082 to develop your ideas about the ways each text uses character, point of view, imagery, figures of speech, style, tone, and theme.

2. List evidence from each text that relates to the ideas you've developed in your answers to "Questions for Responsive Reading and Writing." 170 Graded Project Graded Project 171 Drafting

3. Read how to develop a thesis on pages 1470-1472 of your Introduction to Literature textbook. Draft a thesis statement that states your claim and perspective on the texts.

4. Read "Organizing a Paper" on pages 1476-1477 of your Introduction to Literature textbook. Develop a brief and informal outline to organize your ideas to support your thesis. Use the outline to help you establish an order and focus for your essay. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point of your analysis and provide evidence to support your thesis statement.

5. Read "Writing a Draft" and "Writing the Introduction and Conclusion" on pages 1477-1478 of your Introduction to Literature textbook. Write a draft of your essay, paying close attention to developing, organizing, and supporting your ideas.

6. Cite the original text using correct MLA format. Review "The List of Works Cited" on pages 1506-1512 in your Introduction to Literature textbook. An example citation looks like this: Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll House. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. 10th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2015. 1250-1298. Print. Revising

7. Read "Revising and Editing" on pages 1481-1482 of your Introduction to Literature textbook, paying close attention to the revision checklist. Use the checklist to help you revise your reflection. Is your thesis clear? Is the paper logically organized? Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence? Are your paragraphs developed, unified, and coherent? Have you used evidence from the original text to support your claims?

8. Ensure your essay employs correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and MLA format.

9. Use standard 12-point font and left justification. Use 1-inch margins at the top and bottom and 1-inch margins for the left and right sides of the document. The reflection should be double-spaced.

Textbook - Introduction to Literature 10th edition by Michael Meyer.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

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Each storyteller's perspective permits us to see what goes on inside the brains of human beings crossing the brink of youngsters and coming into maturity, and the challenges that rise inside the midst of that fundamental little bit of a man's life. Helene, the hireling, pronounces that the Helmers' darling friend Dr Rank has come to visit. meanwhile, another traveller has arrived, this one cloud. Awkwardness is the incapability to understand the even main mind, and in that feel, every one of the three kin are doltish.

Reference no: EM131959967

Questions Cloud

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How does the author reveal characters : Writing-about-short-stories-and-poetry -write 400 words analyzing characterization and point of view in "A&P," How does the author reveal characters
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10/15/2018 10:14:38 PM

Firstly i would like to thank you to the expert who did this assignment.. and secondly i want to thank here.. the assignment i will definitely get good marks as it is perfectly done.. Thanks you all for best efforts. This is perfectly done! Thank you so much for your assistance!


4/27/2018 2:12:16 AM

Text Book: Introduction to Literature 10th edition by Michael Meyer. Critical-thinking-about-literature-assignment-Write a 1300 word comparison and contrast essay- Compare/Contrast “Eveline” by James Joyce (pages 407–410) and “The Horse Dealer’s Daughter” by D.H. Lawrence (page 506–517) Writing-about-short-stories-and-poetry -write 400 words analyzing characterization and point of view in “A&P,” “How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie,” and “Lust. And Creative Critical Response and Reflection- Write a one-page response to any short story or poem you’ve read so far in the course. Choose a piece you’ve either enjoyed, found particularly interesting, or have strong feelings about. This won’t be a straight analysis of the chosen work, but rather a creative interpretation of the story or poem’s plot, characters, language, and themes. After you’ve written your piece, you’ll write a five-paragraph reflection (600 words) that defends your creative response. This reflection will explain your creative choices and the ideas you chose to highlight in your creative response.


4/27/2018 2:12:02 AM

This graded project has three parts that you must submit at the same time. For each part, you’re required to use quotations and evidence from the particular work you’re analyzing as support for your exploration. Use only your own ideas and thoughts. Don’t consult any sources beyond this study guide and textbook. Follow the MLA citation style for textual documentation and a works-cited page in each part. In addition, use an appropriate college-level writing style. Develop proper paragraphs and sentences and apply standard conventions for written American English, including correct grammar, usage, diction, spelling, and punctuation. This project requires you to read and write about literature critically.


4/27/2018 2:11:55 AM

Developing an interpretation on a piece of fiction or poetry doesn’t mean discussing what the text means to you or your opinion on the merits of the text itself. Thinking about a work of fiction or poetry critically means creating an objective and focused analysis on a text’s plot, characters, and themes. Before starting this exam, please review the chapter “Reading and Writing Process” (pages 1465–1498) in your Introduction to Literature textbook. This chapter will review the process you should follow to help you develop your ideas and write about literature.


4/27/2018 2:11:47 AM

Work through the writing process as outlined on pages 1465–1498 in your Introduction to Literature textbook for all of your essays. After you’ve chosen which questions you would like to answer, review the texts in your Introduction to Literature textbook. Use the “Questions for Responsive Reading and Writing” on pages 48–50 and 581–582 to develop your ideas about the ways each piece uses character, point of view, style, tone, and theme. List evidence from each text that relates to the ideas you’ve developed in your answers to “Questions for Responsive Reading and Writing.”


4/27/2018 2:11:36 AM

Read how to develop a thesis on pages 1470–1472 of your Introduction to Literature textbook. Draft a thesis statement that states your claim and perspective on the texts. Read “Organizing a Paper” on pages 1476–1477 of your Introduction to Literature textbook. Develop a brief and informal outline to organize your ideas to support your thesis. Use the outline to help you establish an order and focus for your short essays. Each paragraph should focus on a specific point of your analysis and provide evidence to support your thesis statement. Read “Writing a Draft” and “Writing the Introduction and Conclusion” on pages 1477–1478 of your Introduction to Literature textbook and write a draft of your short essay, paying close attention to developing, organizing, and supporting your ideas.


4/27/2018 2:11:30 AM

Cite the original text using correct MLA format. Review “The List of Works Cited” on pages 1506–1512 in your Introduction to Literature textbook. Use the Cross Reference to a Collection method on page 1508 to create one list of works cited at the end of your exam that includes all of the stories and poems you used in your essays. An example citation looks like this: Ibsen, Henrik. A Doll House. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature. Ed. Michael Meyer. 10th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2015. 1250–1298. Print. Please note that all other outside sources must also be cited. Revising.


4/27/2018 2:11:22 AM

Read “Revising and Editing” on pages 1481–1482 of your Introduction to Literature textbook, paying close attention to the revision checklist. Use the checklist to help you revise your reflection. Is your thesis clear? Is the paper logically organized? Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence? Are your paragraphs developed, unified, and coherent? Have you used evidence from the original text to support your claims? Ensure your short essays employ correct grammar, punctuation, spelling, mechanics, and MLA format. 10. Use standard 12-point font and left justification. Use one-inch margins at the top and bottom and one-inch margins for the left and right sides of the document. The reflection should be double-spaced.

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