How does the author measure their own success

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Reference no: EM13970337

Literacy Narrative Essay (CAN#3)

1. Purpose: Write a thoughtful MLA formatted essay about the importance of written and spoken English to the author's professional career and their feeling of success.

2. Assignment Requirements:

A. Select one of these authors: Malcolm X, Sherman Alexie or Mike Rose. Use the reading in the book and only a dictionary as sources for this assignment. Do not use outside sources to research the author.

B. What word is the best description of the author's attitude toward the importance of literacy (reading and writing) in their life? Use this word in your thesis statement in the first paragraph of your essay to explain why the author was successful.

C. Build your discussion with supporting quotes and facts from the reading using MLA citation. Discuss the author's path to literacy with consideration to their character, and the influence of others on their education. Was their path to literacy easy? Why or why not? How was their attitude shaped? How much of their success can be attributed to their own perseverance? What obstacles interfered? Why did they succeed? How does the author measure their own success?

3. General Requirements

A. Write in a formal, academic manner, you are the expert. Go to Canvas Files, open the folder, Helpful Resources and review the "No-No List," "Useful Verbs," the "Grading Rubric" and other documents.

B. Write at least (600) words of discussion in MLA format, in the 3rd person (no ‘I' or ‘me') with a final Works Cited page that contains only two entries: the textbook source of the reading and the source of the literacy definition.

C. Turnitin will be used. Students should view their Turnitin report, revise the essay if needed, and resubmit it by the due date. The Turnitin originality score should be below 10%.

D. Students are encouraged to visit with an ARC tutor or use

E. These elements are particularly important: interesting introduction, clear thesis, essential background, good support, insightful discussion, logical organization, clever conclusion and few, if any, errors in grammar, mechanics or MLA formatting.

Reference no: EM13970337

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