How does the author establish ethos-pathos and logos

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Reference no: EM132379441

Rhetorical analysis allows us to evaluate how other writers structure and support their arguments. It requires close reading and annotation of the text. For this assignment, you will choose one of the four essays in the Paper #1 module, annotate it, analyze it, and report your analysis in an essay that consists of five to seven paragraphs.

Words are powerful, and writing is a craft aimed at putting an audience into a specific frame of mind. Writing a rhetorical analysis demands that you examine why an author is writing and then evaluate if and how the writing meets its goals. Generally, a rhetorical analysis will ask you to: 1) Identify the situation, the author's purpose and claims, and the author's audience; and 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the author's argument.

This essay asks you to be analytical and to use detail: you will consider the entire text and provide specific examples from the work to support your thesis/claim. A good rule of thumb is that each body paragraph of your essay should include two specific examples from the primary text.

You should consider the following questions:

1. What has motivated the author to write? (Has a specific situation, event, etc., motivated the author?)

2. What is the author's purpose in writing? What do you think the author want readers to feel, do, and/or think about?

3. What claim(s) is the author making?

4. How does the author convince the reader?

5. How does the author establish ethos, pathos, and logos? Which appeal is dominant? Why? Is it effective?

6. Does the author make concessions or qualifiers within the claim? How? Why? Is it effective?

7. How does the author's choice of words and/or syntax support the claim of the text? (Think about the vocabulary the author chooses to use, and/or the structure of the language in the text).


• All essays should be typed, double-spaced, with approximately one-inch margins and page numbers. Don't forget your name!

• The final essay must consist of at least FIVE well developed paragraphs.

• Your annotated copy of the original article must be turned in with your paper.

• Do not use external sources.

In this paper, in addition to practicing

• Writing an introduction

• Creating a narrow, clear thesis (claim)

• Supporting your thesis with evidence from the text you're analyzing

• Developing your paragraphs with lots of supporting detail and explanation

• Writing a conclusion

• Using standard English grammar

• Using appropriate punctuation

• Using direct quotes from the article and specific references to it in each body paragraph


The introduction should start with an attention grabber, give the title and author of the article, and some context for your discussion (why is this topic important), then finish with your thesis.

Thesis Statement

Use the author's name and the title of the article in the thesis, as well as specific language pertaining to your analysis of the article's effect. Your thesis should be the last sentence of your introduction.

Level of Formality

This is a formal academic paper. Please keep in mind the following:

• Do not use ‘I'

• Do not use ‘you'

• Choose more formal wording (as if you were speaking to your boss or a teacher)

• Stay away from slang and colloquialisms

• Do not start sentences with ‘well'

• Do not use contractions

Paper 1 Checklist

- I have a clear thesis that focuses on how the author uses particular writing techniques to convince the reader.

- My thesis is the last sentence of my introduction.

- My introduction introduces the article I've chosen and its author, supplies context justifying interest in the article, then narrows to my thesis.

- My introduction is five or more sentences.

- I have clear topic sentences for each of my body paragraphs.

- I have three or more body paragraphs.

- I have given evidence (examples, quotes, and/or explanation) to support each of my topic sentences.

- I have been detailed and specific in my examples and explanations.

- I have used at least six to eight quotes from the article in my paper.

- I have included paragraph numbers in parentheses after quotes from the article.

- I have a conclusion that summarizes my argument and which indicates why what I'm saying is important.

- I have read my paper carefully for grammatical problems.

- I have read my paper aloud to check for awkward sentences and things that don't make sense.

- I have checked the course policies to make sure I am following the "Submitting Papers" guidelines.

- I have been to the Writing Center if I have had problems in the past with grammar, style, or other writing issues.

- I have been to see the teacher if I am having problems with any of the above.

Attachment:- College is waste of time and money.rar

Reference no: EM132379441

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