Reference no: EM133330077
Case Study: Everyone in the United States should be entitled to receive free health insurance in this country. When countries can provide this care, it helps to increase overall productivity. Everyone should be able to access evidence-based health care services. However, individuals are responsible for maintain their own health care coverage. In 2019 they dissolved the mandate that required Americans to maintain their health insurance coverage. The United States is one of the main countries whose insurance is overpriced compared to other countries. The pandemic of 2020 has caused the price of health insurance to increase 9.7 %. This increase averages out to over $12,500 annually per individual. In the United States a family of five would pay over $62,000 a year on their health insurance. Unfortunately, there are a lot of Americans that don't even make $50,000 a year. So why are people in the United States spending more money on health insurance than they are making at their employer? Statistics has shown that everyone does not meet the criteria to be eligible for government programs. Some of these government programs include Medicare and Medicaid. Therefore, taking universal healthcare into consideration might benefits the citizens.
Most uninsured people cannot afford the high cost of health insurance. 46 million people were uninsured in 2021. Sadly almost 70% of Americans in the United States is concerned about not being able to maintain health insurance coverage. In July of 2022 the inflation rates increased dramatically. This increased resulted with even more Americans being forced to go uninsured. Citizens have been begging for their government officials to improve their overpriced health insurance issues for years. When people lack health insurance, they do not get the necessary services that they need medically. The officials in office in the United States is not listening to the voices of their people. There are still millions of American people that are unemployed after the pandemic. Jobs are starting to pay more an hour but some of them still do not offer health insurance.
The World Health Organization defines universal health care according to (Zieff, Kerr, The United States along with The World Health Organization requires some form of assistance from the government. With all things in life there will be some pros and cons. So, when it comes to free health care there are pros and cons that are associated with making that plan reality. What does it look like when people can access universal health care? Patients could be treated much easier if they were entitled to universal health care. Financially there are some people who just can't afford the kind of care that is required for their medical condition. When patients have access to universal health care the amount of money, they are required to spend on medication decreases. This is a prime example of an approach that could potentially help the economy lower cost. When countries incorporate universal healthcare, it helps make insurance more affordable. If an individual is not able to afford health care coverage, they should not be denied treatment. When we look at how much money countries spend on healthcare the United States spends the most.
Some cons that may be associated with universal health insurance include that providers are not allowed to negotiate on certain rates. When doctors cannot negotiate rates, this results in a profit decrease. Although the patient demand has increased the quality could potentially decrease. If this was to occur, it could lead to a potential shortage of doctors. All doctors are not opposed to having universal health insurance. The autonomy and the form of medicine being practiced is a big opposition for a vast of health care providers. When it comes to all individual having access to Medicare insurance more than 49% of doctors agree with this suggestion.
The worlds 3rd largest country is the United States of America. According to U.S. Census Bureau in 2021 8.3% or 27.2 million Americans did not have health insurance. One way to decrease chronic diseases is to provide universal health insurance to all Americans. Currently as of November 2022, there are millions of people who still do not have access to health care or insurance. When individuals are uninsured, they don't seem to seek the required treatments that are necessary for their diseases or illnesses. With insurance prices being so high it can prevent people from being able to get the medications they need. According to a CNBC news segment from 2020 nearly 23% of people didn't seek medical treatment. These American said they just couldn't afford the price tag that was attached with going to the hospital.
In the previous year's people were less sick compared to them become sicker since the cost of higher health insurance. People are neglecting to go to follow up appointments, people are not getting required test done, people are not taking the medications prescribed by their doctors. The significant increase has left people feeling like the only choice they have is to neglect they health to be able to afford the cost of living with inflation. People are skipping doctor's appointments, not taking their prescribed medication, and not following through with needed tests. When people know they need to get medical care they will avoid doing so because of the lack of health insurance according to Doctor Taber. There is no secret that 1/10th of the people who live in the United States is uninsured.
Compared to other countries health insurance why it is overly priced in the United States? The main reason the insurance is higher is because the U.S. spends more compared to other countries. The United States never has set limitation on new medications or new treatments for cures according to Austin Frakt. Complexity will forever be a part of the health care industry. This industry must prove why it is beneficial for patients to have access to certain treatments for their conditions. The insurance companies play a vital role. This is one of the reasons that people have seen raises in their premiums. The medical institution also has a role in the process of determining the amounts people should be paying for their premiums.
If you cannot afford to maintain health insurance, should you be entitled to the same quality of care despite your ability to pay? There is no reason that anyone of earth shouldn't be entitled to the same quality of care. People should not have to worry about being denied treatment because they can't afford to pay. When people have access to health insurance that is a privilege of theirs. Therefore, it is crystal clear that when a person has health insurance it is not a right. All people should have a right to endure the same quality of care when it comes to their health services. So, money should not play a factor especially when there are people ill and dying because the lack of insurance. Everyone deserves the opportunity to have access to health services to improve their quality of life. It makes no sense that the government sits back and allows individuals to financially struggle to maintain health insurance. How many more people must risk their lives because there did not have the kind of access to health care that they required? That is utterly ridiculous to know that they can assist people with coverage but choose to step back and watch people continue to die from health complications. Some of the deaths could be avoidable if these people could get some proper insurance.
When people do not have health insurance it's like trying to drive a car without a seat belt on. There is work to be done when it comes to the United States health care system. To see a change, it will require people coming together collectively. The goal needs to be helping everyone obtain universal health care that is affordable. We start by doing our part to find out what needs to be done to get this approved in the United States. Efficiently a brand new and incorporated plan will need to be developed and implemented. The medical needs of patients need to start being met and prioritized. Everyone must have access to evidence-based health care services that are age appropriate.
In conclusion, there is no reason that people should die because they can't afford health insurance. If the health care in the United States makes some improvements, it will be better. The main priority is to find a way to focus on approving the health of the Americans in the United States. This will also require some efficiency to be incorporated into a new and better plan. Patient's medical needs must be met. The United States does not have a universal healthcare system. For over three decades the uninsured population has been fighting to get insured. In 2019 Medicaid gave nearly 18% of people health insurance coverage. Yet there is still a cost sharing fee for people to seek services when they go see their primary care physicians. People are not getting some recommended health care services for example specific screenings just because they do not have a primary care provider. In the United Stated the mortality rates has risen for infants and maternal. There are critical priorities that must be address and one f those would be to adopt value-based care to help improved the quality of life for all people.
Questions: Review this article with the following criteria
- How does the author engage readers in the introduction? In other words, how do they hook their readers?
- Find the thesis of the paper: how might the author make this more vivid? How could the author get the reader to more strongly identify with the thesis? How does the author connect with you, the reader?
- Did it feel like there were any gaps in the narrative, or important details were missing? If so, how might the author address these issues in a revised draft?
- Find the meaning: How does the author indicate the importance of the issue? Is this reason clear and compelling?
- How does the author discuss the context of the issue?
- What suggestions and/or questions do you have?
- Do you see obvious APA errors?
- Are there obvious spelling, grammar, or mechanical errors?
- What was your favorite part of the essay? Please be specific in this response.