How does the agency normally get its clients

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13969684

Question 1 - Try to find America's top-10 market research agencies. Do not rely on any one website or source; use multiple sources instead. You may want to start with and look for more recent rankings. From various sources, identify the top-3 market research companies in terms of revenues. Learn about them. Write a few paragraphs on each of the top-3 companies.

Question 2a- Look up multiple sources like www.greenbook.ora/ and pick any two research specialties. Explore the companies within those specialties online, and pick one company within each specialty that catches your interest. Learn about those two companies. For those two companies, write a few paragraphs on what you found out about each research agency, what you found interesting, cool things you came across.

Question 2b - Contact any one of the top-WO market research agencies in the world either by phone or email. Find out:

- How does the agency normally get its clients?

- Does the agency do most of its data analysis in-house, or does it contract out its data analysis requirements?

- What is the average duration of their typical market research project?

Please avoid bothering any one agency, so try to contact a company that your colleagues won't be contacting. The best way to do this is to use a random number generator to decide on which company to contact. Do you know how to use a random number generator? If not, this is a good time to learn. Your scientific calculator likely has a random number generator, or you could use internet sites like

Reference no: EM13969684

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