How does television and mobile marketing compare

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13922614


One of the overall aims of this module is to help students prepare for the work place by examining the marketing ideology of the future, and to examine the ‘fads and fashions' of the marketing world.

Another far-reaching aim is for students to be able to question their own opinions, moral codes and levels of ethics before they reach their first employment.

The specific aims for this module are:

To provide an in-depth study of topical issues

To explore and examine priorities and trends within marketing To investigate emerging theories and concepts

To introduce students to the nature of marketing futures

To enable assessment and appraisal of the developments in marketing academics To promote an understanding of predictive marketing

T o expose students to current controversies in Marketing To facilitate a critique of contemporary thinking

To explore emergent theories and practices


Knowledge and Understanding By the end of this module students will:

- have an intellectual portfolio of contemporary thinking in the marketing field to include:

o marketing science
o manipulation
o think tanks and their role in determining the future
o post modern marketing
o enterprise and small business management
o consultancy
o emerging technologies and their impacts upon marketing
o greening marketing
o cause related marketing
o consumerism
o commodities

- be able to evaluate the integration of marketing throughout an organisation as wells as its impact on other fields, and the impact other fields have on it, through up-to-date knowledge

- have an understanding of career opportunities in the field of marketing.

Intellectual Skills

- Analyse, take a critical view of and contrast developments occurring in marketing thinking

- Reflect on the impact these views will have on their future involvement in the field, embracing change and using it effectively.

Practical Skills

- Further develop independent study skills

- Integrate bodies of information

- Use referencing to highlight the breadth of gleaned information

- Develop practical skills in evaluating job opportunities in marketing

Transferable Skills

- Develop evaluative skills

- Analyse, extrapolate and prioritise information

- Evaluate and deal with the effects of change

- Develop lateral thinking skills

- Be reflective to aid self development

Begin to evaluate self starting and entrepreneurial


This module is a coursework-based module only.

Photo Story, PowerPoint, iMovie or Prezi Presentation

• Written Plan of Presentation (1000 words)

• Individual Multi Media Presentation (20 mins)

Multi-media Presentation: 100%

Photo Story Multi Media Presentation:

Students are expected to provide a multi media presentation using Photo Story or other software, which will be introduced briefly in Week 1.

This approach is designed to test students' ability to use a variety of media. The presentation will require students to choose two topics from the lecture series and demonstrate their research, application and analysis of these topics and, in particular, how they relate to each other.

This presentation should is split into two stages: A 1000 word plan, followed by a 20 minute presentation submitted electronically to Moodle.

Phase One - Written Report:

• Presentation Plan: (1000 words)

Students are required to provide a plan of their Photo Story Presentation and to discuss it with their seminar tutor.


-Select two or three topics from the lecture areas that will provide an opportunity to examine, compare and contrast the linkages between those subjects.

-Read some of the academic literature and secondary data on these topics

-Set a specific question that links these topics. For example: corporate social responsibility, post-modern marketing and ethics.

-Your plan should provide:

-A summary of your approach

-Provide a rationale for linking the subjects,

-Outline the structure of key arguments in the literature - think about how to present your argument(s) or discussion - structure and coherence are important.

-Provide an overview and the reasons for selecting different media (words, pictures, music, diagrams, video clips etc) and bibliography.

Phase Two - Digital Presentation using PhotoStory or other audio visual presentation software (20 minutes)

Following submission of the presentation plan and consultation with the seminar tutor, students are to execute their planned presentation using PhotoStory3 (or equivalent software). Students must remember that this is an academic presentation where they are to discuss, analyse and present conclusions to a specific question.

The deadline for the Digital Presentation is Tues 5th Jan 2016

Guidelines for Stage Two - Your Photo Story Presentation

Step One:

Revise your plan following consultation with your tutor

Ensure that you have selected two or three topics from the lecture areas that will provide an opportunity to examine, compare and contrast the linkages between those subjects:

• For example: corporate social responsibility, post modern marketing and ethics.

It is your responsibility to ensure you have access to appropriate software - Photostory is freely available in the University

Step Two:

Gather and review all appropriate academic and non-academic materials (bibliography) relating to your subjects.

Step Three:

Select a question or proposition that relates to those particular topics (from those actually presented and discussed in the class workshops) that you are choosing to link:

Here are some examples of the types of questions/propositions that you might choose but do not be constrained by these choices:

• How does television and mobile marketing compare and which is more effective?

• CRM: a sophisticated tool to increase consumer loyalty or an investment based on myth?

• How far can television be a driving force for brand salience?

Step Four:

Create your main argument(s) or debate issues with bullet points or headings. For example

• Compare and contrast the different arguments or aspects of the topics

• Build a coherent argument in support of your position

• Support your argument with examples of current practise and theory ensuring that you are even handed in the review of available materials.

Step Five:

Gather the specific data you need and analyse your materials in line with your actual objective/question. Determine what media (photos, clips, diagrams, music, words) you will use to present each aspect of your presentation

Step Six:

Construct the main part of the presentation with a strong conclusion determining whether your objective has been met. Perhaps the literature has not enabled you fully to meet the objective set. Detail what other information would help to achieve an answer to the question.

Determine your own observations (but please don't use expressions such as ‘I feel' or ‘I think' you are a neutral objective observer). Use the research to highlight your own observations.

Step Seven:

Produce a thorough bibliography to prove your use of extensive research material. Ensure that your presentation style is discursive and clear. Avoid gimmicky devices that do not add to your argument(s). Humour is a double edged sword.

Reference no: EM13922614

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How does television and mobile marketing compare : How does television and mobile marketing compare and which is more effective? CRM: a sophisticated tool to increase consumer loyalty or an investment based on myth?
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