Reference no: EM133220839
Assignment - Writing an Essay Discussion
Description - First read chapter 2 in the textbook. For Part A of this discussion, pick ONE of the following threads to post in. Write at least 100 words.
Thread 1: Respond to "An Essay About Essays." How does Stielstra's breakdown of one form of essay line up with how you've been taught to write essays? What do you think of her conclusions? How does she twist the established form of the five-paragraph essay to fit her own needs, i.e. how does she work inside the form and how does she undermine the form? Think about discussing how you might write different sort of essays in this class, breaking free from what is expected and what you have, perhaps, written before.
Thread 2: Discuss a Sample Student Review Essay. Read this sample student essay (Warning--graphic images from horror comics are in the essay. You may pick a different thread if you like.) This writer intended his essay for an audience of college students. How well did the student writer do at persuading you in this review? Let's use this thread to perform the kind of critical analysis described in chapter 2. Please read the other posts in the thread and add new information in your replies.
Thread 3: Discuss a Published Review. Read here about the HBO documentary On the Record, getting a general sense of its subject and what reviewers are saying about it. You'll notice that the review from the National Review is starkly different than the others. Then, read the full review article from The National Review. Let's use this thread to perform the kind of critical analysis described in chapter 2. Please read the other posts in the thread and add new information in your replies.
Thread 4: Discuss a Sample Student's Critical Analysis of Media Sources. This student's rhetorical analysis essay looks at the striking differences between two different news outlets' coverage of the same event. The event is a terrorism crisis in 2013 that led the Algerian government to make an ethical decision with difficult consequences. What seems to be the writer's purpose and thesis, and how well did they do at critical analysis, and at persuading you? Let's use this thread to perform the kind of critical analysis described in chapter 2. Please read the other posts in the thread and add new information in your replies.