How does social psychology differ from sociology

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Reference no: EM131070128

CHAPTER - Social Cognition and Social Perception

How does social psychology differ from sociology?

What are the ABC's of attitudes?

What is prejudice?

What is discrimination?

What is a stereotype?

What is the fundamental attribution error (FAE)?

What is the actor-observer effect?

What is cognitive dissonance?

What are three methods for reducing cognitive dissonance?

Social Influence What were the results of Milgram's obedience study?

What is the foot-in-the door technique?

What is the door-in-the face technique?

What is low-balling?

What were the results of Asch's line study?

What is normative conformity?

What is informational social influence?

Persuasion What are the three elements of persuasion?

What is the route to persuasion taken by those with a high need for cognition?

What is the route to persuasion taken by high self-monitors?

How effective are fear appeals in persuading others?

What effect does research show that subliminal messages have on behavior?

Altruism and Aggression How does the social norm of reciprocity affect helping behavior?

What is the theory of kin selection?

What is the exchange model of helping behavior?

What is altruism?

What happened in the case of Kitty Genovese?

What is the diffusion of responsibility theory?

What is the bystander effect?

What is the difference between instrumental aggression and emotional aggression?

Which study was discussed in lecture which shows that genetics play a role in aggression?

What is the relationship between testosterone and aggression?

How is the relationship between testosterone and aggression influenced by socioeconomic status?

What does the frustration-aggression hypothesis state?

What does the social learning theory suggest about aggression?

Interpersonal Attraction What are four factors influencing attraction from the textbook?

What is the matching hypothesis?

What are the three components of Sternberg's triangular theory of love?

Group Processes What is groupthink?

What does the social-facilitation theory state?

What is the distraction-conflict theory?

What is the evaluation apprehension theory?


Projective Tests what is a projective test?

what happens in a Rorschach inkblot test?

what happens in a TAT test?

Jung's Theory what are the three structures of the Jungian psyche?

what does the personal unconscious consist of? what is a complex?

what does the collective unconscious consist of? what is an archetype?

know the following four archetypes: persona, shadow, anima, animus Neo-Freudians and Learning Theories what is an inferiority complex?

what is a superiority complex?

what was Horney's theory about neurosis?

what is feminine psychology?

what is womb envy?

what did Horney think explained the behavior of boys and girls during the phallic stage?

what is Bandura's reciprocal determinism?

what is self-efficacy?

what are the four sources of self-efficacy?

what is cognitive expectancies?

what is an internal locus of control?

what is an external locus of control?

Humanistic and Trait Theories what is self-actualization?

what are the characteristics of a self-actualizer?

what is Roger's theory about congruence?

what is unconditional positive regard?

what are the five Big 5 traits?

what is a collectivist culture?

what is an individualistic culture?

what did Franz Gall study?

what is a personality profile?

what is the MMPI?

what is the MMPI used for?

CHAPTER - Schizophrenias

what are the criteria for abnormal behavior?

what is psychopathology?

what is used to diagnose disorders?

what is schizophrenia?

what is a hallucination?

what is a neologism?

what is a delusion?

what is alogia?

what are the four types of schizophrenia?

what behaviors characterize schizophrenic paranoid?

what behaviors characterize schizophrenic catatonic?

what behaviors characterize schizophrenic disorganized?

what behaviors characterize schizophrenic residuals?

Causes of Schizophrenia how might influenza virus affect schizophrenia?

what is the dopamine hypothesis?

what 3 anatomical brain differences do we see in schizophrenics?

what difference in brain activity do PET scans reveal for schizophrenics?

what is the heritability index for schizophrenia?

what is the major sociocultural factor possibly contributing to schizophrenia?

what is the downward drift hypothesis?

what does the Diathesis Stress Model suggest?

Mood Disorders, & Personality Disorders what is the frequency of MDD for women in comparison to men?

what is dysthymic disorder?

what is bipolar disorder?

what is paranoid personality disorder?

what is schizoid personality disorder?

what is schizotypal personality disorder?

what is obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?

what is avoidant personality disorder?

what is dependent personality disorder?

what is histrionic personality disorder?

what is narcissistic personality disorder?

what is antisocial personality disorder?

what is borderline personality disorder?

Dissociative Disorders and Somatoform Disorders what is dissociative amnesia?

what is dissociative fugue?

what is dissociative identity disorder?

what is depersonalization disorder?

what is a conversion disorder?

what is hypochondriasis?

what is somatization disorder?

what is pain disorder?

what is body dysmorphic disorder?

Anxiety Disorders what is generalized anxiety disorder?

what is panic disorder?

what are examples of simple phobias?

what is a social phobia?

what is the most common social phobia?

what are the symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder?

what are the symptoms of acute stress disorder?

what are obsessions? what are compulsions?

CHAPTER History of Therapies

what is trephining?

what is a lobotomy?

who encouraged the development of mental hospitals?

Psychotherapies what is the percentage of disorder prevalency for all types of disorders?

what is comorbidity?

how effective are various kinds of psychotherapy and why?

what techniques does a psychoanalytic therapist use to uncover unconscious conflicts?

what is free association?

what is transference?

what is countertransference?

what is humanistic therapy?

what is cognitive therapy?

what is eclectic therapy?

Behavioral Therapies what is behavioral therapy?

how does aversion therapy work?

what is systematic desensitization?

What is flooding?

How does implosion therapy work?

How do therapists use selective reinforcement?

What is behavioral rehearsal?

Reference no: EM131070128

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