Reference no: EM131712700
Identity Project Part I: Interviews
Interview a minimum of three people using the questions below. Take notes during each interview, recording each person's answers to your questions. Answer the final questions yourself once you are completed with your interviews.
Interview Questions:
Ask each of these things of all 3 people that you interview. Take notes for each person and type them up on separate pieces of paper (i.e. a different page for each person).
1. What is Philosophy?
2. What do you think the purpose of life is?
3. Who are you?
4. What is distinctive about human being?
5. What do you think creates human personality?
6. What is the role of power in human societies?
7. How does social class affect people's lives?
8. How do you think people are affected by their early childhood experiences?
9. What is real education? Is it necessary or important? How and why or why not?
10. What is thinking? How important is it for people to think for themselves? Why?
Reflection Questions
Once you have finished all three questions, answer these reflection prompts in another separate file. Be sure to type your answers.
1. What similarities or differences do you see in your interviewees answers?
2. Did you strongly disagree with anything someone said? If so, what and why did you disagree?