How does sephora manage its supply chain

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131263994

SEPHORA-BUSINESS IS BEAUTIFUL-PART 2 As you saw in the video for Chapter 13, Sephora is a leader in sales of heath and beauty-aid products. Its shelves are stocked with a balance of big brand names and lesser known, up-and-coming brands. Sephora also carries and promotes its own private brand. With such an extensive, expanding, and everfreshened inventory, Sephora must maintain an efficient supply chain-one that handles sourcing and procurement of raw supplies for the Sephora brand, production scheduling, order processing, inventory control, warehousing, materials handling, and transportation.

Review the Company Clip from t learn what supply-chain techniques Sephora uses to keep its shelves stocked and customers happy.


1. Why is important to customers that Sephora keep detailed information about its inventory? What does Sephora do to insure its numbers are accurate?

2. How does Sephora manage its supply chain? What information goes into deciding which suppliers become incorporated?

Reference no: EM131263994

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