How does rogerian model of argument help better understand

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM133552351

Homework: Construct a Rogerian Argument

As you learned in this unit, a Rogerian argument is one that presents two sides of a debate and argues for a solution that will satisfy both sides. Given the two articles linked below that present opposing sides of an issue (mandatory uniforms in schools vs. some kind of ‘dress code'), construct your own 2-3 page Rogerian argument essay in which you attempt to arrive at a concrete, workable solution or "middle ground."

The essay should contain the following components:

A. An introduction that accurately presents both sources (i.e., author, title, year of publication, and their relative position in the debate), as well as your middle ground thesis statement.

B. A body paragraph that summarizes the pro-uniform rationales. (Both articles can be used, but focus on Anderson).

C. A body paragraph that summarizes the anti-uniform/pro-dress code rationales. (Both articles can be used, but focus on Deane).

D. A body paragraph that critically compares and contrasts both sides of the debate.

E. A conclusion that further develops your proposed middle-ground solution and demonstrates how it satisfies both sides of the debate.

I. Introduction

A. Have you briefly and accurately introduced the author, title, and publication context (year, journal, etc.) of Article 1?

B. Have you briefly and accurately introduced the author, title, and publication context (year, journal, etc.) of Article 2?

C. Have you ended the introduction with a thesis statement/claim that presents a clear, workable solution that could be viewed as a "middle ground" between the two sides?

II. Body Paragraphs

A. Have you included a summary of the pro-uniform stances in the first body paragraph (including accurate page-numbered citations)?

B. Have you included a summary of the anti-uniform stances in the second body paragraph (including accurate page-numbered citations)?

C. Have you included at least three direct quotations, supplementing them with your own explanation of their relevance?

D. Have you adequately compared and contrasted both sides of the debate (with cited examples from the articles) in the third body paragraph?

III. Conclusion

A. Does your expanded claim address both sides of the issue, including specific points raised in the articles?

B. Have you backed up your claim using cited facts from both sides of the argument?

IV. Reflection

A. Have you answered all reflection questions including specific and concrete examples that provide thoughtful insight in all responses?

B. Are your answers included on a separate page below the main homework?

V. Reflection

Include answers to all of the following reflection questions.

A. How does the Rogerian model of argument help you better understand the topic that's being discussed? Why is it a good practice to acknowledge both sides of the argument? (3-4 sentences)

B. How might the Rogerian approach help you gain insight into your own argumentative essay? (2-3 sentences)

Reference no: EM133552351

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