How does regular exercise affect the quality of sleep

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133517333

Question: "How does regular exercise affect the quality of sleep of college athletes?" -Methodology Explain the study design (e.g., experimental, observational) and participant selection criteria. Describe the variables that will be measured, such as exercise frequency, exercise intensity, and sleep quality assessments (e.g., sleep diary, actigraphy, polysomnography). Discuss steps taken to control potential confounding factors (e.g., stress, diet, sleep disorders). Data Collection and Analysis Describe the data collection process, including exercise intervention implementation and sleep quality assessments. Explain the statistical methods that will be used to analyze the data, such as correlation analysis, t-tests, or regression analysis. Detail any additional analyses that might help explore specific subgroups or interactions (e.g., gender differences, sport type). Results Present the findings of the study, including statistical results and any relevant graphical representations. Discuss the significance of the results and how they relate to the existing literature.

Reference no: EM133517333

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