How does pablo describe life at a mission

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Reference no: EM133731572 , Length: Words Count:800


Our second reading response will ask you to engage with some primary sources concerning European exploration, the California Missions, and Mexican California. Please read the readings and respond to the following questions:

Reading: Columbus Journal

Based on what you read in his journal, what does Columbus primarily care about upon his arrival to the Americas? Can you find evidence of the "3 G's" as described in lecture?

Reading: Pablo Tac's Account

Who was Pablo Tac and what does he discuss in his writings about Mission life? How does Pablo describe life at a Mission? Please provide specific examples.

Readings: Testimonios

What did the Indian woman tell Doña Eustaquia and what happened in the Indian attack described by Juana Machado? What can we learn about life in Mexican California from Machado's writing?

Note: Longer responses typically produce a stronger response so aim for 800 words if you are seeking full credit

Use paragraphs:

Please use paragraphs to separate responses/different themes and topics


Please provide between 2-4 citations/references to the assigned readings per question. You are only citing from the assigned readings - no outside research is necessary.

Reference no: EM133731572

Questions Cloud

Discuss the importance of it in financial economics : Discuss the importance of IT in financial economics.
Define game theory : Define Game Theory and Discuss some of its properties.
Why is reading useful to way you think about arabic culture : What is the main theme of the reading? (Arab Nationalism). How or why is the reading useful to the way you think about Arabic culture?
What is a data structure : What is a data structure? What is an array? What is a linked list? What is the difference between an array and a linked list?
How does pablo describe life at a mission : Who was Pablo Tac and what does he discuss in his writings about Mission life? How does Pablo describe life at a Mission? Please provide specific examples.
Discuss the importance of it in economic growth : Discuss the importance of IT in economic growth.
What were contributions of religion early in corrections : What were the major contributions of religion early in Corrections? Let's take a look at the concepts of strict discipline, silence, lockstep formation.
Describe components of scholar-practitioner-leader model : Analyze how the SPL model and the concept of doctoral demeanor contribute to your development as a doctoral student.
How do it and km intersect in the km process : How do IT and KM intersect in the KM process and how do they create efficiency for the organization?


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