How does or does not rhetoric of our political system impact

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Reference no: EM133566613

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Language and thought - how does or does not the rhetoric of our political system impact the amount of violence/racism/nationalism/pride?

According to Kroll and colleagues (2014), bilingualism is increasing in the United States despite English being the only spoken language in many locations; many other countries require the acquisition of a second language. After the acquisition of the second language (L2), the dominant language (L1) and L2 are both active within the brain and this was previously and presumed to be currently misunderstood as problem in cognition (Kroll, et al., 2014). Pelham and Abrams (2013) found that there are executive function benefits on L2 acquisition. Could L2 acquisition be applied to classroom settings to further develop student cognition? What stage of development do you think would be the best to implement this, if at all?


1) Kroll, J. F., Bobb, S. C., & Hoshino, N. (2014). Two languages in mind. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 23(3), 159-163.

2) Pelham, S. D., & Abrams, L. (2013). Cognitive Advantages and disadvantages in early and late bilinguals. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40(2), 313-325.

Reference no: EM133566613

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