How does netflix use intrinsic motivation

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM132259909 , Length: 4 pages

Case Study - Netflix

Introduction Motivation practices and applications influence processes such as leadership, power and politics and communication affecting the organizational outcomes. Organizational outcomes such as individual performance, job satisfaction, team performance affect the organizational goals.

The organization goals are affected by the entire process on how organizational behavior is handled in the entire organization.

Unit Learning Outcomes

ULO 1: Analyze the concept of intrinsic motivation and its primary determinants. (CLO 1 & 3)

ULO 2: Evaluate the various types of extrinsic rewards. (CLO 4)

Directions Mini-case studies: The students are expected to answer the questions associated with the case. These questions are intended to elicit thoughtful reactions to contemporary organizational behavior initiatives and challenges.

The students are expected to carefully read the assignment instructions, then thoroughly and explicitly address each component of the corresponding case study questions.

The responses should reflect higher level cognitive processing (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation), which is essential for someone in any industry, as diversity decisions affect all levels and stakeholders within the organization and in the external marketplace.

There is no minimum number of references that need to be utilized to support the completion of this assignment; however, it is generally understood that any good case study analysis will incorporate the appropriate quality and quantity of scholarly sources to support any suppositions and recommendations.

The submission will not exceed four (4) pages in length, excluding the title and references pages. The document must adhere to the APA writing style.

The document should be prepared as a Microsoft Word file.

Case Study 2 Read the case study 6.1 Netflix in your text. Intrinsic Motivation "New research suggests that competent employees are assigned more work-but they don't always like it." This resource relates to Learning Objective 6.1. Read more on page 141.

Answer the case questions in a written APA paper format

1. How does Netflix use intrinsic motivation to support its HR practices?

2. why would a creative firm choose to use intrinsic motivation where an industrial firm would probably choose to use extrinsic rewaeds.

Attachment:- Case study.rar

Reference no: EM132259909

Questions Cloud

What the difference between shell and environment variable : What is the difference between a shell variable and environment variable? Which one is considered local and which is considered global
Explain the reasons you would or would not delegate the task : Write a memo to identify and describe in which of these scenarios you would delegate and in which you would not.
Total quality management is business management strategy : Total Quality Management (TQM) is a business management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes.
Construct the bill of materials : Construct the bill of materials (product structure tree). Find the planned order releases for all items.
How does netflix use intrinsic motivation : Why would a creative firm choose to use intrinsic motivation where an industrial firm would probably choose to use extrinsic rewaeds
Discuss the 10 generic countermeasure strategies proposed : Discuss the 10 generic countermeasure strategies proposed by Haddon as they relate to an incident that might have occurred on your worksite.
Discuss the budget narrative and sustainability plan : The budget is a crucial piece in the logical progression of developing your proposal. Look back at the other key components-needs statement, objectives, goals.
Damaged labour-management relations : what ways has the myth of scientific management espoused by Taylor (sometimes referred to as “Taylorism”) damaged labour-management relations?
Evaluate the DGs primary HR activities : Sitting at his desk, Bob Menendez is distraught over his current situation. Evaluate the DG’s primary HR activities.


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