Reference no: EM131096441
Module- Alternatives to Power Politics (Realism)
Lecture 3 Notes - Liberal and Social Alternatives to Realism
Both chapters combined here-- Liberal alternatives to Realism AND Social theories such as feminism and constructivism
Cuban missile crisis media segments and a URL for learning about how foreign policy making unfolds.
IMPORTANT; MUST WATCH Film segments of "At the Brink" at the URL below. [there are 4 parts]
Feminism Reading: Khattak
Feminism Reading: Faludi - Guardian Myths
Do the EVERYONE DO question and THREE additional questions for a total of FOUR questions in this section. Then READ one of the following articles (see below): Khattak, Faludi or Sontag and address the questions as instructed. (Thus you will have 4 + 1 = 5 entries MINIMUM for this section total). You must write the question number AND the entire question/prompt before you answer the question/prompt.
1. What realist assumptions are criticized by various alternative theories covered in this section?
2. How does liberalism weaken realism's assumptions? Each entry should focus on one assumption. First outline the realist assumption, then explain how liberalism modifies it... [multiple answers]
3. Using Kant as your reference from our reading in the text, provide ONE reason/argument why cooperation is the trend and conflict less recurring in the world. [each student who does this should only do one, Kant has three; multiple answers]
4. How does neoliberalism differ from liberalism in IR?
5. Define reciprocity and EXPLAIN how it promotes cooperation.
6. How can reciprocity result in more conflict? Explain.
7. Define international regimes. How do they facilitate cooperation?
8. What are dilemmas of common interest? Provide an example.
9. What are dilemmas of common aversion? Provide an example.
10. Compare and contrast mutual vs. relative gains.
11. What is democratic peace theory? What evidence is there for this theory and what counterarguments can be made? [Two students]
12. Describe each feminist theory. [Three students]
13. What is postmodernism? How does it weaken realist assumptions?
14. What is constructivism? How does it weaken realist assumptions?
15. What is Lenin's theory of IR and how does it attack realist theory?
16. EVERYONE DO [A or B]
A. Go to the BBC and find an article that discusses, references or illustrates an instance of "reciprocity" OR an "international regime. Explain why you believe it illustrates either concept and provide the URL.
B. Go to the BBC and find an article that discusses, references or illustrates any one of the KEY concepts specific to this section, such as, feminist theory, democratic peace theory, HST, international organizations, and or any other relevant term.