How does modern technology influence social persuasion

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM132315952


The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to create a comprehensive Annotated Bibliography, which is nothing more than a detailed research paper outline. The Annotated Bibliography must have at a minimum three (3) sub-sections with at least one (1) Peer Reviewed

- Academic Journal Article source for each sub-section that helps explain something about the chosen psychology topic of interest. In addition, how do your research findings inform your world view and/or your chosen career path? Upon successful completion of this assignment, students will have gained a practical understanding of how to create an effective outline that directs their research and writing of a research paper in the Behavioural Sciences.

Whether acquiring new knowledge, or adding to the existing body of knowledge, Psychologists employ scientific principles and methodologies in their search for the underlying causal mechanisms. There is a mistaken belief among some that Psychology is a manufactured discipline, however, Psychology is one of the several Behavioural Sciences (e.g., Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology) with a rich history and a huge volume of credible scientific research that is validated by fellow Behavioural Science researchers; it is not simply based on the interpretation or personal opinion of the individual.


Students must select a single topic that is of interest to them; The Annotated Bibliography (i.e., the detailed research paper outline) is intended to teach students essential research paper writing skills that will help them answer the Research Question.

Your Annotated Bibliographies must have:
• An Introductory Paragraph tells the reader what the paper will be about and the research question posed by:
• Three (3) Sub-sections with at least one (1) Academic - Peer Reviewed Reference (i.e., an academic source from an Academic Journal) in each sub-section.
• A very brief Conclusion that summarizes why this information is important to understand.
• Maximum of 1 page describing the practical application of the chosen topic to your world view or career path.
• Provide a Reference page that lists all academic sources used in the correct APA format by alphabetical order by surname as prescribed by the APA (6th Ed.) Publishing Manual.
It is also important that your Annotated Bibliography is well-organized and flows together with continuity between the sections.

Assignment Questions and Classic Psychology Papers

1. Does peer pressure influence young people to engage in risqué behaviours (i.e., unprotected sex, chronic alcohol or substance abuse, etc...)?

2. Does participating in interactive violent video games cause young people to act out more violently in real life?

3. Are children raised in large families any more alike than children born and raised in any other home?

4. Why do some young people watch another young person being beaten or raped and do nothing to assist that victim?

5. Is it possible to reliably detect deception when someone is lying simply by watching their facial expressions?

6. Are people who carry personal weapons for protection (i.e., pepper spray, Tasers, handguns, etc...) more likely
to behave more aggressively?

7. How has modern social media changed social interation?

8. Why is it important to have first responders (i.e., police, paramedics, emergency nurses) prepare their own statements (and/or notes) as soon as practicable?

9. How would psychologists likely explain the use of violent interrogation techniques (i.e., torture, waterboarding,
etc...) used against Al Qaeda prisoners by soldiers?

10. Are there more cases of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hypertension Disorder) today, or is this simply a convenient label schools use for those children who are not well behaved?

11. Are the pre-game rituals many athletes practice (e.g., hockey and baseball players, etc...) nothing more than
superstitious behaviours and self-fulfilling prophesies?

12. Why is the debate concerning the influence of birth order as a measure of intellectual capacity and personality becoming less relevant in society as time goes on?

13. Why do people who seem to be normal and healthy individuals abuse the aged and vulnerable people with our society?

14. Does modern technology stagnate the psychological growth/development of children?

15. How does modern technology influence social persuasion?

1. Write an Introductory Paragraph...
- Introducing the topic by beginning with a strong Thesis Statement that captures the reader's interest,
- Present an overall question that you intend to answer in your paper,
- Tell me or discuss with me why it is an important question to answer, and
- Briefly lists the three (3) sub-sections that the paper will discuss - as noted below.

2. Create detailed research paper outline that has three (3) Sub-sections ...
- Students must introduce the topic of each sub-section - I recommend you put this in the form of a question you will answer,
o Use a transition sentence that connects the present sub-section to the overall discussion of the research question,
- Provide at least one (1) Academic Peer Reviewed Source (i.e., an academic - peer reviewed
- academic journal article source) for each sub-section,
o Discuss with me why this is an appropriate reference to use,
o Explain how this academic source helps answer the research question, and
o Provide a brief summary that explains why the author is a subject matter expert (e.g., the nature of their previous and current research history, their personal credentials, and/or the nature of the academic journal they published in; does the author have any biases or ties to the journal or the subject matter, if so, what are they?).

3. Provide a very brief Conclusion
- This is a one or two sentence conclusion summarizing why this information is important to know and understand.

4. Practical Interpersonal Application
- Describe how the topic informs your world view and/or career path in a maximum of 1 page

5. Provide a Reference page...
- List all academic sources used in the correct APA format by alphabetical order by surname as prescribed by the APA (6th Ed.) Publishing Manual.

All statements in your assignment must be backed up by research, except for the practical interpersonal application

Attachment:- Introduction to Psychology.rar

Verified Expert

The present report is an annotated bibliography on child psychology. The contents present are unique and are prepared according to the instruction, rubrics provided. The total word count of this solution is more than 1500 words. The content is completely free from any type of plagiarism. The final form of the solution is submitted in the Microsoft Word document file.

Reference no: EM132315952

Questions Cloud

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How does modern technology influence social persuasion : PSY1160 - Introduction to Psychology - lethbridge college - Does peer pressure influence young people to engage in risqué behaviours
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Reduce biases in performance measures : Discuss simple accounting changes that could reduce biases in performance measures. It is expected for you to support your positions with academic sources



6/4/2019 2:05:10 AM

APA: 10 – APA formatting is strictly adhered to. Readability, spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, and Please use a minimum of 3 References; this Formal Writing Style are followed; the paper has includes, readability, spelling, Grammar, minimal to no errors in formatting, citation, Punctuation, Formal Writing Style (no spelling, etc. Paper includes correct citation of (3) contractions or phrases in parentheses, formal References. diction, etc.) 8 – APA formatting is mainly adhered to but there are some errors. Readability, spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, and Formal Writing Style are mainly followed; the paper has some errors in formatting, citation, spelling, etc. Paper includes (3) References but they are incorrectly cited. 5 – APA formatting is partially adhered to. Many errors in readability, spelling, Grammar, Punctation, and Formal Writing Style; the paper has many errors in formatting, citation, spelling, etc. Fewer than (3) References included. 4 or lower – APA formatting is not adhered to. Excessive errors in readability, spelling, Grammar, Punctuation, and Formal Writing Style; the paper is not readable. References are not included.


6/4/2019 2:05:02 AM

Practical Interpersonal Application: 10 – clear and concise exploration of how topic informs your worldview and/or career path. Description of practical application of the topic Adhered to page length. to worldview and/or career path 8 – somewhat clear exploration of how topic informs your worldview and/or career path. Exploration is slightly longer or shorter than page requirement. 5 – Partially clear exploration of how topic informs your worldview and/or career path. Exploration is too long or too short for page requirement. 4 or lower – Vague or no exploration of how topic informs your worldview and/or career path.


6/4/2019 2:04:41 AM

10 – includes the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the discussion of relevant evidence are present but the discussion is cursory and lacking depth. 8 – the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the discussion of relevant evidence are present but incomplete. 5 or lower – the necessary elements of the first sub-section are either not present or not evident to the reader.


6/4/2019 2:04:36 AM

Sub Section 3: 20 – includes the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the Description of the third sub-section question discussion of relevant evidence are presented with at least one academic – peer reviewed clearly, the process is thoroughly described with source; the value of the source, and a rich detail and includes a discussion of all discussion of relevant evidence obtained from necessary elements, demonstrating a firm grasp on the source course material. 15 – includes the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the discussion of relevant evidence are presented somewhat clearly, thoroughly described, and includes a discussion of all necessary elements.


6/4/2019 2:04:27 AM

10 – includes the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the discussion of relevant evidence are present but the discussion is cursory and lacking depth. 8 – the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the discussion of relevant evidence are present but incomplete. 5 or lower – the necessary elements of the first sub-section are either not present or not evident to the reader.


6/4/2019 2:04:20 AM

Sub Section 2: 20 – includes the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the Description of the second sub-section question discussion of relevant evidence are presented with at least one academic – peer reviewed clearly, the process is thoroughly described with source; the value of the source, and a rich detail and includes a discussion of all discussion of relevant evidence obtained from necessary elements, demonstrating a firm grasp on the source. course material. 15 – includes the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the discussion of relevant evidence are presented somewhat clearly, thoroughly described, and includes a discussion of all necessary elements.


6/4/2019 2:04:09 AM

10 – includes the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the discussion of relevant evidence are present but the discussion is cursory and lacking depth. 8 – the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the discussion of relevant evidence are present but incomplete. 5 or lower – the necessary elements of the first sub-section are either not present or not evident to the reader.


6/4/2019 2:04:02 AM

Sub Section 1: 20 – includes the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the Description of the first sub-section question discussion of relevant evidence are presented with at least one academic – peer reviewed clearly, the process is thoroughly described with source; the value of the source, and a rich detail and includes a discussion of all discussion of relevant evidence obtained from necessary elements, demonstrating a firm grasp on the source. course material. 15 – includes the description of the academic peer reviewed source; the value of the source, and the discussion of relevant evidence are presented somewhat clearly, thoroughly described, and includes a discussion of all necessary elements.


6/4/2019 2:03:55 AM

8 – the research question, why it is important/relevant, and the three sub-sections are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear. 5 or lower – the research question, why it is important to answer, the three sub-sections are not developed and disorganized; purpose is not clear/absent.


6/4/2019 2:03:49 AM

Introduction: 20 – includes the research question, why it is important/relevant, the three sub-sections are Description of the Research Question, why it is comprehensive. The essence of the paper is important to answer, and addressing the three contained within the thesis; and articulates the sub-sections that will be discussed in the paper. purpose of the paper. 15 – includes the research question, why it is important/relevant, the three subsections are clear and forecast the development of the paper. It is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. 10 – includes the research question, why it is important/relevant, the three sub-sections are insufficiently developed and/or vague; purpose is not clear or apparent and appropriate to the purpose


6/4/2019 2:03:40 AM

All statements in your assignment must be backed up by research, except for the practical interpersonal application Due Date: Your paper is due between 3 no later than 11:59pm • NO late papers… will be accepted after the due date/time… Remember: you are required to submit your assignment electronically to the CANVAS Drop Box • Electronic copy to your instructor on CANVAS – Assignment Drop Box, which will automatically submit an electronic copy to . 20% of your final grade – (Graded out of 100 points…) • Please refer to the assignment Marking Rubric below for details

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