How does marketing factor in the process

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132784917

The Business Markets

Research a product and then list the number of steps your product goes through from conception to consumer. How does marketing factor in the process?

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In this assignment we have discussed about anything that we see in our everyday lives that we use was once a concept. We are now taking the analogy of clothes or clothing to explain how a commodity goes through the process from idea to customer here. The manufacturing phase of apparel production begins with the development of designs, the scanning of proposals, design, formulation of collections, sampling, pre-sales order, etc.

Reference no: EM132784917

Questions Cloud

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Calculate the amount either debited or credited : 15% stock dividend when the market value was $10 per share. Use this information to calculate the amount either (debited) or credited to retained earnings.
How does marketing factor in the process : Research a product and then list the number of steps your product goes through from conception to consumer. How does marketing factor in the process?
How many days per year would each of get the time machine : How many days per year would each of them get the time machine (round to the nearest number of days, assume each year has 365 days)?
How might offices physically change in the coming years : Given the growth in telecommuting and other mobile work arrangements, how might offices physically change in the coming years? Will offices as we think of them.
Is a method that banks normally use on loans : What are the financial ramifications of using a 365-day year opposed to a 360-day year on both the interest expense and interest revenue?
Business transactions of a typical market : Business Transactions of a typical market - Why is this topic important in the field of marketing and What take-away would you have for the topic


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