How does item provided reflect your thinking on the issue

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Reference no: EM133592309

Case Study: This lesson has analyzed cyber organized crime, first by discussing cybercrime groups and the actors involved and then by focusing on different activities. For the purpose of this assessment, select one form of organized cyber crime, then conduct your own round of internet search to identify one real-life case.

The source of your case study can be a newspaper article, a scholarly study, a short podcast or video or whatever you deem is reflective of your thoughts on the matter.

Questions: Once you have identified a source, address the following questions in your initial post:

  • Why did you select the source material included in your post?
  • How does the item provided reflect your thinking on the issue?
  • What is something new that you considered as a result of the source? Did it modify your views in anyway? Are there any subpoints that you take issue with?
  • What further questions or thoughts do you have about the discussion topic now that you have weighed into it more, that you may not have considered before?


Reference no: EM133592309

Questions Cloud

Identify the critical path associated with the activities : Would you be able to identify the critical path associated with these activities by inspection, or, alternatively, would you need to perform calculations?
Discuss the demographic segment being catered to : Discuss the demographic segment being catered to (ethnic vs. non-ethnic). Use figures and statistics to support your findings.
Discuss the key people that would be involved or affected : Discuss the key people that would be involved or affected should you implement your research and how it will affect them.
What are the 5 icd-10-cm codes : What are the 5 icd-10-cm codes A patient is brought into Sinclair Memorial Hospital for her scheduled weight-loss surgery. This 36-year-old woman is documented
How does item provided reflect your thinking on the issue : Why did you select the source material included in your post? How does the item provided reflect your thinking on the issue? What is something new that you
What patient teaching is needed : What are the things to d about each concern and What does the nurse want or hope to happen
How are american corporations benefiting from mass : How are American corporations benefiting from mass incarceration (including, but not limited to, private prison companies) profiting from expanding their
What are the ethical considerations concerning : What are the ethical considerations concerning the use of steroids by young athletes and Should certain sports records be vacated because of suspected steroid
How would law enforcement conduct an investigation : The federal DEA prefers to go after narcotics trafficking by going after the source and distribution of the illicit drugs rather than arresting the abuser.


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