How does herodotus depict spartans in this section

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133631045

Read the excerpt from Herodotus concerning the "Battle of Thermopylae". This should be an interesting read for many of you, as I am sure that some of you will recall certain descriptions of the battle from the movie 300. Herodotus was a 5th century BCE Greek historian, who was writing not long after the event. We commonly refer to him as the "Father of History", but could his writing of the Battle of Thermopylae be interpreted differently?


How does Herodotus depict the Spartans in this section? Can you get a feel for the way Herodotus depicts the Persians? Is there a significant contrast here? Without a doubt Herodotus is attempting to present an accurate account of the battle, but is there another agenda as well being presented? In other words, is there bias at work here? What would you say is the overarching theme of this particular section?

Reference no: EM133631045

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