Reference no: EM131442196
This is an informative paragraph that helps the reader understand why you chose this topic. Review the background of the topic and elaborate here. Use language such as, Thefollowing section will discuss the background of the topic.
General Problem Statement
This paragraph piggybacks on the previous paragraph. Now that you have discussed the background, tell the reader what the general problem is and why you want to research it. Your general problem is a broad overview of the general problem. Oftentimes, the general problem is viewed at the national level with supporting evidence from governmental websites that provide quantitative statistics. The paragraph must begin with, The general problem is...
Specific Problem Statement
This paragraph piggybacks on the previous paragraph. Now that you have discussed the general problem, tell the reader what the specific problem is and why you want to research it. Your specific problem statement usually encompasses a specific population, demography, or geographic location. Oftentimes, the specific problem is viewed at the local level with supporting evidence that provides quantitative statistics. The paragraph must begin with, The specific problem is...
Purpose Statement
This paragraph simply tells the reader the purpose of your research. (Example: The purpose of this research is to determine whether a relationship exists between nursing assistant staffing levels and quality of care in skilled nursing facilities). The paragraph must begin with, The purpose of this research is...
Research Questions
This paragraph provides an overview of the specific research questions you plan to investigate. You are only required to have one research question; however, you may use more if needed. This section is where you unfold your research to the reader. What do you want to uncover? This is where you ask the question(s). Use language such as: The research addressed the following research questions.
RQ1: Ask your research question here.
RQ2: Ask your research question here.
RQ1: How does geographic location relate to the level of quality in nursing homes?
RQ2: How does socioeconomic status relate to the level of quality in nursing homes?
Briefly discuss how you were able to validate or refute the null hypotheses. Use language such as, The following null and alternative hypotheses served as the foundation for the study:
H10: There is no correlation between x and y.
H1A: There is a correlation between x and y.
H20: There is no correlation between A and B.
H2A: There is a correlation between A and B.
H10: There is no correlation between geographic location and the level of quality in nursing homes.
H1A: There is a correlation between geographic location and the level of quality in nursing homes.
H20: There is no correlation between socioeconomic status and the level of quality in nursing homes.
H2A: There is a correlation between socioeconomic status and the level of quality in nursing homes.
Definition of Terms
If you have words in your capstone that may be confusing, unknown to the general public, or words that require further explanation, please use this area. The following definitions of terms apply to the current research.
Definition example. This is an example of how you would define definition example. Please follow this exact same format for each word that you need to define in your capstone.
Second example. This is the second example. See how you italicize the word when you define it? Please follow this exact same format for each word that you need to define in your capstone.
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