Reference no: EM131348256
Formal Essay - Cross-Cultural Communication
MINIMUM of FOUR full double-spaced typed pages (not 3-1/2, 3-3/4, etc.). The fourth page must be a full page. Your APA formatted cover page is not included in the page count (so it would be a fifth page). Short papers will be downgraded.
1. To write this formal essay, you must first read the following:
"Sex, Lies, and Conversation" by Deborah Tannen, you must paraphrase and quote Tannen in your essay.
2. You will choose this prompts (also called "research questions") below:
1. How does gender affect communication styles and what Tannen calls "cross-cultural communication"?
You must include your own experiences and observations, and/or interview others. Here are some related questions to consider: Do you notice differences between the conversational styles of men and women (within your family, circle of friends, etc.)? How would you compare your observations with those of Tannen? Do you agree with her analysis (the reasons for these differences)? How do you think these differences-if they exist- vary between cultures or different age groups? Do some differences (or analyses) seem valid while others do not? Do you have your own interpretations for these differences? Do men and women need to communicate better? Why or why not?
Your essay should be 8 - 11 paragraphs in length and contain an introduction, a thesis statement, a well- developed of body of supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Your imagined "audience" will include students both inside and outside this class, as well as instructors. You must write your essay in such a way that people unfamiliar with Tannen's writing will understand both their ideas and your own.
You must paraphrase and quote Tannen in your essay.
You should include your own personal experiences OR the experiences of others. You should change the names of the other students you interview to ensure their privacy.
You should have between 3 to 6 quotes in your essay; the quotes in your essay cannot, in total, be over 10 lines. These quotes can be from the writer (Tannen) or other people you know.
Your essay should use APA formatting, but you do not need APA citations. Write the paper in magazine or newspaper style, without citations like (2001) or (p. 31). Do not plagiarize or Tannen's words, and always attribute their ideas with signal phrases.
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