How does franklin respond to parliament in his testimony

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Reference no: EM133683547

Part A: Pick ONE of the following four questions and answer it with evidence from the Franklin reading:

1) How does Franklin respond to Parliament in his testimony? With deference? With defiance? With both? Or are there better words with which to summarize his approach and tone?

2) What are the primary objections to the Stamp Act that Franklin raises? To what extent are they ideological (i.e., disagreeing in principle with Parliament's right to impose a stamp tax)? To what extent are they practical (i.e., reflecting economic or other material concerns)?

3) Does Franklin present the colonists as distinctly American colonists with their own distinct interests, or as British people living in the colonies with interests and concerns in common with the rest of the empire? Or does his perspective change depending on the question?

4) Set aside your American patriotism for the moment and think about this question historically: What do you think about the colonists' arguments, as presented by Franklin? Was the Stamp Act as insidious as they made it out to be, or were they overreacting?

Part B: Answer the following question based on both the Franklin reading and lecture material:

5) Are there issues here that seem irresolvable, or could there have been an acceptable compromise? Explain.

Reference no: EM133683547

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