How does example reveal that gender is socially constructed

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Reference no: EM133666590


(1) What does your example tell us about how we think about gender in the United States? What meaning(s) do we give to different genders (e.g., women/girls, men/boys, gender queer) or the concept of gender in gender (e.g., that it is binary vs. a spectrum)? How does your example relate to that meaning?

(2) How does your example reveal that gender is socially constructed? Does your example show that the meanings we've given to gender have changed over time? Does your example show that the way people think about gender differ between societies/cultures? Where do you see exceptions of the "rules" of gender that this term is associated with? (The fact that meanings "change" through time or between cultures/societies tells us that it is socially constructed, rather than essential to people. We can also see that gender is socially constructed when the "shoulds" of gender don't actually apply to everyone within a particular society.)



Reference no: EM133666590

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