Reference no: EM131761056
This is an OPEN NOTE, OPEN BOOK, OPEN CANVAS exam. For the exam select ten questions from the list below and answer them in a typed document. These are SHORT answer questions so please don't write an essay for each one. :) Protect your time and plan to write about two to six sentences per question.
Even if you answer more than TEN, I will only read the first TEN. Each question is worth ten points and partial credit will be awarded where applicable. If you use citations from your textbook to explain your answer be sure to provide an in-text citation. Be sure to submit your document to me on Canvas by 11:59pm on Sunday. As always, let me know if you have questions.
I've bolded the vocabulary terms to help you. Be CERTAIN to support your answers with specific examples from the first season of the show and/or concrete ideas from the textbook.
1. Provide two connotative meanings for the word "football" that may be held by residents of Dillon.
2. Identify a character on Friday Night Lights who fails to use cooperative verbal communication and support your answer with an example.
3. Identify a character on Friday Night Lights who suffers from communication apprehension and support your answer with an example.
4. Explain a specific verbal choice that Jason uses to to deceive Lyla about his relationship with Susie.
5. Provide an example of a cultural influence on a specific nonverbal behavior in Friday Night Lights.
6. How does Coach Mac show mixed messages when apologizing for his racist comments?
7. Explain how Coach Taylor uses nonverbal codes to exercise power over others. Be specific about the types of codes and how they are used.
8. What type(s) of power currency does Landry use to build a relationship with Tyra?
9. What type of conflict approach does Tami Taylor typically use? Be sure to support your assessment with an example. in. Identify two challenges that Lyla and Jason face in resolving the conflicts in their relationships. Be specific about the type of challenge.
it What romantic love type (see table 10.1) best describes the relationship between Julie and Matt? Be sure to support your answer with an example.
12. Which dialectical tension plagues the relationship between Waverly and Smash? Be sure to support your answer with an example.
13. How does equity impact Tim's relationship with his neighbor?
14. At what point do Matt and Julie move from experimenting to intensifying? Be specific about the nonverbal and verbal choices that instigate this move is. At what point do Jason and Lyla move from avoiding to terminating? Be specific about the nonverbal and verbal choices that instigate this move.
16. Identify two relational maintenance strategies that Tami and Eric Taylor use to maintain their relationship. Support your answers with specific examples.
17. Do Tami, Eric and Julie Taylor have high or low conversation orientation? Be sure to support your answer with a specific example.
18. Do Tyra and her mom have high or low conformity orientation? Be sure to support your answer with a specific example.
19. Identify an example of Landry or Matt using a maintenance strategy to maintain their friendship.
20. At the END of the season are Tim and Jason communal or agentic friends? Support your answer with specific examples.