Reference no: EM131095696
Humans and the Ecosystem
This discussion 1 We all live in an ecosystem; a community of both living organisms and non-living elements interacting with each other. Humans have commonality with the other organisms in an ecosystem as we are composed of cells, cycle nutrients, get rid of waste and reproduce. But does the human body have similarities with an overall ecosystem?
Respond to the five topics below for this unit's Discussion. Then, throughout the week, review your classmates' posts and comment as appropriate on at least two other posts per the Discussion Guidelines.
How does energy flow through an ecosystem? What is a producer, a consumer (primary and secondary) and a decomposer?
How is the human body similar to an ecosystem? Provide a description of two ways in which the human body is similar to an ecosystem.
Select two of the organ systems in the human body and describe their function. What role(s) do they play in maintaining the environment of the human body?
Humans are consumers in the ecosystem. As part of our evolution, we have developed and urbanized many parts of the world affecting the habitat of other species. Select a city or town in the United States that has become urbanized and postulate or provide a supported example of how another species have adapted to the urban environment.
Do you think that humans should make a greater effort to protect the habitats of other species? What efforts do you recommend?
Early Childhood Professional's Role in Creating a Comfortable and Caring Learning Environment
this is discussion 2 Describe a classroom environment, including outdoor play spaces, that includes the ideas and philosophy developed by theorists such as Rousseau (nature), Dewey (experience), Piaget (thinking), and more.
Make sure to include at least five components of the environment. Feel free to attach a document that lays out the specific components.
Explain how to integrate current theories of development to enhance math and science, and development in young children in everyday teaching experiences.
Equilibrium level of aggregate output
: An increase in government spending causes the equilibrium level of aggregate output to ________ at any given interest rate and shifts the ________ curve to the ________, everything else held constant
Find the capacitive susceptance per mile of a single-phase
: Find the capacitive susceptance per mile of a single-phase line operating at 60 Hz. The conductor is Partridge, and spacing is 20 ft between centers.
Which was the first harmone discovered
: Which was the first harmone discovered
Do the researh on the item of your chose origin
: The research paper is on anything that began as science fiction and is now a reality today. You can choose your on subject such as laser items from science fiction television or comic books to what we now are seeing today. Do the researh on the ..
How does energy flow through an ecosystem
: Humans are consumers in the ecosystem. As part of our evolution, we have developed and urbanized many parts of the world affecting the habitat of other species. Select a city or town in the United States that has become urbanized and postulate or ..
Determine the sending-end voltage and the reactive power
: The sending-end voltage is always adjusted so as to maintain the receiving-end voltage fixed at 220 kV. Using the power-circle diagram constructed for Prob. 6.12, determine the sending-end voltage and the reactive power supplied by the synchronous..
Find the velocity of money
: If the money supply is $500 and nominal income is $3,000, the velocity of money is and In Irving Fisher´s quantity theory of money, velocity was determined by
Discuss how the biblical stewardship principle impacts
: Discuss how the Biblical STEWARDSHIP principle (God is owner of all) impacts business decisions and puts additional constraints on business behavior for the Christian. Because all property is ultimately God's and profits are due to God's grace, sh..
Find the value of the canadian dollar
: If the 2005 inflation rate in Canada is 4 percent, and the inflation rate in Mexico is 2 percent, then the theory of purchasing power parity predicts that, during 2005, the value of the Canadian dollar in terms of Mexican pesos will