How does emilys relationship with her father

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Reference no: EM133199274 , Length: 5 pages


Assignment is about "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner.

The should be and argumentative essay that develops around your argument regarding the following question:

Please write 5-7 pages about the following topic: How does Emily's relationship with her father set her up for failure later in life? In your discussion, please consider questions of social communal and personal moral, "Southern values," town, community, and gender. The idea is to write a critical analysis of the story and focus on the topic.

Write a nice and clear essay; think well about your thesis and the way you develop your discussion.

By now, each of you should know on what she or he should work on and emphasize. Please read my comments carefully and apply them to your next assignment.

Under "Assignments," I posted the final assignment about William Faulkner well known story, "A Rose for Emily." The story raises some moral issues that I want you to attend to. One thing that I want you to consider is a thorough analysis of the text, through drafts, and constant questions. Under "Course Document, I posted both the story and a lecture on the story.

Please note that this is a research paper, which means that -- as I write in the assignment -- you should rely on (at least) two external academic sources. Where to find them? I also explain that: you can search the FDU online library, If you look for articles on the story, you might be surprised by how many you'll find (again, this is a well known story), but you should choose only two and the most relevant to you- to your topic.

Another issue is your editing: by now it should be clear to you how to add your bibliography (or "work cited"). Often, a simple search might lead to all the details you need to include. You can rely on the MLA Guidelines for explanations.

Please read everything carefully. Think, shape, and edit your argument- then start writing. Like always, let me know if you have any questions.

In order to clarify the issue of citations, here are two examples that you can rely on for this course as well as for other courses.

Now, if I type "A Rose for Emily" in JSTOR's search section, the first text that comes up is an essay by Ruth Sullivan, "The Narrator in 'A Rose for Emily.'" If you click on it, you'll see the article that you can also download. When you download this essay -- or any other essay -- you'll get, on the first page, all the info that you need for your quotations/citations. I'll use this essay as an example:

1. Let's say you wish to quote from this essay in one of your body paragraphs. This is the way to do it:
"All interpretations of 'A Rose for Emily' tacitly or openly assume that its narrator has slight importance as a character" (Sullivan, 1971, 159). Yes, you can add the year in the middle- not a must. Also, pay attention to the single quotation mark I use, since it's a quotation within quotation.

2. At the end of your work, you add Sullivan's essay to your Works Cited page. This is the way to do it:
Sullivan, Ruth. "The Narration in 'A Rose for Emily.'" In: The Journal of Narrative Technique, Vol. 1, No. 3, Sept. 1971, 159-178. Again, all the details are there.

Reference no: EM133199274

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8/23/2022 12:13:37 AM

here are all the instructions and the link for the story is above essay on “how does Emily relationship with her father set her up for failure later in life “? I only need 5 pages U need 2 references from JSTOR U see that in the instructions

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