How does each perceive the instructor role in the classroom

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Reference no: EM132663112

Question 1. Which author makes the stronger point about the use of computers and education. Make your claim/thesis and then use the material from BOTH essays, as well as your own experiences/observations to support your claim/thesis. This essay should be three-four pages in length. Don't forget to double space and use 12 pt. font.

Question 2. Examine the role of the teacher as described in EACH essay. How does each perceive the instructor's role in the classroom? The same and/or different? Which one do you think is - or should be - the best role? Make your claim/thesis and then use the material from BOTH essays, as well as your own experiences/observations to support your claim/thesis. This essay should be three-four pages in length

Reference no: EM132663112

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