How does diversity impact the dynamics of team building

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133187182

The question is focused on teamwork, and what makes teams most effective. Leadership plays a crucial role in how teams perform. Select one of the following topics to write about in-depth:

1. Differentiate between a group and a team. 

  • How does diversity impact the dynamics of team building?
  • What are the advantages and challenges associated with transforming a group of diverse individuals into a cohesive team?

2. Research the Ringelmann effect, and discuss how it contributes to our modern day understanding of teamwork and team dynamics?

3. How might technological developments alter our understanding of teamwork and team productivity?

4. Discuss the characteristics of a highly effective team. 

  • What are some of the barriers to teamwork?

References and citations (apa if possible) must be mentioned clearly, please.

Reference no: EM133187182

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