How does disability fit into the history of the civil war

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133568758

Question: There is more to the Civil War than the tactical history of each battle. This war was a pivotal moment in American history that had far-reaching consequences. Some of these consequences are still seen today. I'd like you to think about other ways to look at the Civil War. Is gender considered? Did masculinity have a role in the war? What happened to women in the war? What about economics? How did the war change the economics of the United States? How about socially? Did the war change family structures at all? Think about it medically. How does disability fit into the history of the Civil War? What about medicine? Were there medical innovations that came from the war? What about race? How do these ideas shape the history of the war? What did the Confederacy stand for? Do Confederate monuments deserve to remain standing? Why, or why not?

Reference no: EM133568758

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