Reference no: EM132245835
Module 3 - Case
Assignment Overview
This Module 3 Case Assignment has two functions. First, it helps you develop and demonstrate your understanding of the topics in Module 3. Second, it will help to assess the development of your written communications skills. This Case will be graded using a special Written Communications Rubric, which you should review before you begin writing the assignment. (To view the rubric, click on Assessments>Rubrics at the top of this page.)
Case Assignment
For this assignment, you will engage in a roleplay, placing yourself in the role of Management Consultant. Your deliverable will be a PowerPoint Presentation. You will draw on the background material and your analysis of a scenario presented in a memo to prepare your presentation.
Background: You work for a management consulting firm, Capital Consultants (CC). Your firm has been hired to advise Leading Edge Fashions, a small high-end house with a celebrity clientele. You have received the following memo from the head of CC.
To: <Your name>
From: Vivian von der Bach, President and Senior Consultant
I am assigning you to our newest client, Leading Edge Fashions. As you may know, this well-known fashion house has experienced problems since the death of its chief designer, Sir Francis Green.
In the two years since Sir Francis's death, the CEO of Leading Edge, M. Etienne Roget, has delegated artistic control to a committee of experienced designers chosen from within the company. The results have been far from what was hoped. In the first year, the committee could not decide on a theme for Spring. As a result, that season's collection was a confused mess that one critic referred to as "the remnants of a Hollywood garage sale." In the second year, the committee tried to avoid making the same mistake and settled on a theme after meeting for only one hour. The "Game of Thrones" collection was another disaster, with such inappropriate items as a bronze helmet and a bearskin cape.
M. Roget has been searching the world for a chief designer to fill the void created with Sir Francis's death. He has been unsuccessful to date. Further, he fears that disbanding the committee would be seen by its members as a vote of no confidence and would lead to mass resignations.
Your job is to join the committee as a co-chair and advise it on organizational matters, especially as relates to the team's development. Obviously, you should not try to advise the committee on fashion-CC has no expertise in that area. Your task will be to guide the committee in its deliberations and to help a small group of experienced, opinionated designers achieve good results on Leading Edge Fashion's Winter collection for next year.
Before you join the committee, M. Roget would like to have some idea of what you will be looking for and what you may be able to accomplish. To that end, you should prepare a PowerPoint presentation in which you present what may have happened to the committee, namely what may have "gone wrong" in the past two years and what you could do to keep it from happening again.
Your PowerPoint presentation should be professional with a recommended length of 8 to 12 slides. Please use the notes section of the slides to explain your slide content in detail. Be sure to include citations in the body of the presentation as well as a "references" slide.
Assignment Expectations
1. Be sure to include a Title Slide and References Slide in your PowerPoint presentation of 8 to 12 slides. Be sure to use the notes sections to explain your slides.
2. Study the Written Communications Rubric. Review it before, during, and after preparing your presentation.
3. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the materials cited on the Background page. Supplement these with at least two relevant sources that you locate in the Trident Online Library or on the Web.
Module 3 - SLP
For the Module 3 SLP assignment, you will continue making journal entries about applying the background material to your workplace environment.
In this SLP assignment, the focus is on your work in groups or teams. For this module, your journal entries should focus on questions suggested by the background material on groups and teams:
For example:
• What barriers to team effectiveness are there for teams in which you are a member?
• In what stage of group development is a particular team of which you are a member and why?
• How does decision making function within a team in which you are a member?
As in the previous modules' SLP assignments, each of your journal entries should be a paragraph or so in length and you should make 4 or 5 journal entries over the course of the module.
Also, as in the previous SLP assignments, before you submit your journal entries, review what you have written, and add in-text citations from the background material as appropriate. Also include a reference page at the end of your paper that gives the references that correspond to the in-text citations that you have used. For completeness, don't forget to add a title page.
Upload your assignment to the SLP 3 Dropbox. Be sure to review your TurnItIn Originality report. If the score is over 20%, you may not be writing in your own words and you will need to contact your professor and arrange to revise and resubmit your assignment.
SLP Assignment Expectations
The SLP papers in this course will be evaluated using the criteria as stated in the SLP rubric. The following is a review of the rubric criteria:
• Assignment-Driven Criteria: Does the paper cover all key elements of the assignment in a substantive way?
• Critical Thinking: Does the paper demonstrate a college-level of analysis in conceptualizing the problem? Are viewpoints and assumptions critically evaluated and synthesized in the formulation of a logical set of conclusions? Does the paper demonstrate that the student has read, understood, and can apply the background materials for the module?
• Scholarly Writing/Oral Communication: Does the student demonstrate college-level skill in scholarly written/oral communication to an appropriately specialized audience?
• Assignment Organization and Quality of References: Does the student demonstrate understanding of a consistent (e.g., APA) style of referencing by inclusion of proper citations (for paraphrased text and direct quotations) as appropriate? Are appropriate sources from the background material included? Have all sources cited in the paper been included on the References page?