How does data screening differ from data cleaning

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Reference no: EM13866112 , Length:


Screening data prior to applying specific statistical analyses is a critical requirement during a research project. The dissertation is no different. In fact, the methods chapter (chapter 3) of your dissertation proposal should be a step-by-step plan that addresses the data screening that will be performed and how the data will be evaluated to make sure that the planned statistical tests are appropriate given the data obtained. This assignment will allow you to practice your understanding of these procedures so you will be able to write this section of the dissertation proposal.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

• Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

• Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

• This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.


In an essay of 250-500 words, describe data screening. Address the following items:

1. How does data screening differ from data cleaning?

2. What part of data screening checks for the actual number of responses you have for each variable?

3. How is data screening related to the assumptions of the statistic you will choose to analyze your data?

4. Why are descriptive statistics a part of data screening?

5. What kinds of plots are useful in data screening?

6. What can you do if your data do not meet the assumptions of your statistic?

Reference no: EM13866112

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