Reference no: EM132402392
Discussion :
The essay question is "how does culture affect politics?" - but, so far, you mainly address how economic and political (institutional) factors affect politics.
We've covered culture in the last two sessions - Geertz and Banfield/Putnam. These would be most appropriate to review, also the readings of our next session, Sewell/Skocpol.
From what you have written so far, the question of race in US politics (Obama) and Olson's problem of collective action could be integrated into the discussion, but would need a sharper focus on, and better connection with culture.
As in your last essay, there is the problem of you mainly restating what the authors write in their texts - a critical review means that you go beyond summarizing the main statements of different authors, that you engage them into a discussion in which you develop your own
evaluation of different perspectives and
We've covered culture in the last two sessions -
Geertz and Banfield/Putnam. These would be most appropriate to review, also the readings of our next session, Sewell/Skocpol. From what you have written so far, the question of race in US politics (Obama) and Olson's problem of collective action could be integrated into the discussion, but would need a sharper focus on, and better connection with culture.
As in your last essay, there is the problem of you mainly restating what the authors write in their texts - a critical review means that you go beyond summarizing the main statements of different authors, that you engage them into a discussion in which you develop your own evaluation of different perspectives and establish your own analysis of the question.
Reading :
Article 1 - Cultural Idioms and Political Ideologies in the Revolutionary Reconstruction of State Power: A Rejoinder to Sewell By Theda Skocpol.
Article 2 - Ideologies and Social Revolutions: Reflections on the French Case By William H. Sewell, Jr.