How does coca-cola make cost and revenue

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132188201

Renewable Energy

Google's operations are designed to get the most out of technology, while also being mindful of our use of resources.

That's why Google is the world's largest corporate purchaser of renewable energy, and it's what's driven us to be carbon neutral since 2007.

Our data centers also lead the industry in energy efficiency, using 50% less energy than the industry average.

This same ethos carries over to our workplaces, with over 1 million square meters (11 million square feet) of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified offices and the diversion of more than three-quarters of our waste from landfills.

Google's energy consumption drives our biggest impact on the environment, and we're focused on tackling it through a threefold strategy for carbon neutrality.

First, we pursue aggressive efficiency initiatives. Second, we match 100% of the electricity consumption of our operations with purchases of renewable energy. Third, we buy carbon offsets for any remaining emissions we haven't yet eliminated.

Based on these information(Renewable Energy) write an in-depth analysis of the company (coca-cola) using the conceptsand frameworks covered in classand strategic recommendations going forward with supporting evidence. should be able to answer this one question: giventhe company's situation, what would be your group's recommendations? why?

1. See what google doing well and coca-cola are not, then give the strength(strategic, recommendation) to coca-cola from us(not google). It have to MAKE SENSE, to explain how this strategic can use to coca-cola and how to make it better.

2. Estimate after the strategic, how does coca-cola make cost and revenue (can use real data or just make up something)

1 page 1.5 space total.

Reference no: EM132188201

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